Preparation of this study, "International Connection* of. Peace Movement" Involved extensive research and examination of the Agency's own files an well as access to data in the hands of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the National Security Agency. From this intimate review of the bulk of ihe material on hand in Washington, wc conclude that there are significant holes in the story. We lack information on certain aspects of the movement which could only be met by levying requirements on the FBI, which we have now done.
First, we found little or no information on the financing of the principal peace movement groups. Specifically, we were unable to uneovvr any source of funds for the costly travel schedules of prominent peace movement coordinators, many of whom aro on the wing almost constantly.
Second, we could find no evidence of any contact between the most prominent peace movement leaders and foreign embatmlSB, either in. or abroad. Of course, tho re may not be any such contact, but on the other hand we are woefully short of information on the day-to-day activities and itineraries of those men.
Finally, there is little information available about radical peace movement groups. college campuses. Theao groups are, of course, highly mobile and sometimes even difficult to identify, but their more prominent leaders are certainly visible and active enough for monitoring.
Richard Helmi
Original document.
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