Created: 1/27/1968

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No Toretear Dissem

CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Directorate of Intelligence8


Pueblo Sitrep0

1. Pyongyang's position on the Pueblo incident remains adamant. Reacting to yesterday's delibera-tions in the UN Security Council, Pyongyang radio voiced the government's strong opposition to anyof the US appeal. The radio added that North Korea will ignore any Security Council resolution "rigged up to cover US imperialists'a statement in line with Pyongyang's policy during the pastears of refusing to recognize UNin dealing with Korean matters.

The US delegation at the UN hasecurity Council resolution Inviting the permanent South Korean observer at the UN to participatevote in current discussions and inviting the North Koreans to sendepresentative or information. There reportedly is strong concern in South Korea that the pueblo incident is receiving inordinate world press attention. The South Koreans hope that North Korean aggressive activities within South Korea receive their due share of international notice.




No F,

The US continues to reinforce its military forces ln the Korean area. roup ofith their tankers will arrive at their forward base on Guamebruaryighters will deploy to Korea from South Vietnam and the US arrivingebruary. The nuclear carrier Enterprise and its task6 continue to operate in aniles off the southeast Korean coast. The anti-submarine carrier Yorktown and her six escorting? destroyers comprise task0 and are currently located in the western Pacific en route to join the Enterprise onhe USSship ot tne Pueblo--will join the Enterprise task group onanuary.

6. Soviet Naval surveillance of the US task force in the Sea of Japan continued with both the surface-to-surface missile carrying destroyer and intelligence collector Gidrolog nine miles or more from the task force0 (EST) last"nil

Original document.

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