Created: 3/1/1970

OCR scan of the original document, errors are possible



SGN Baae was honored by the vielt of PRES and ATP onndarch, aa wellollow-on visit by VPFO and DFD onndarch. All departments gained anch from an on-the-spot exchange from theae gentle-msn.

Total block tins for00 houra ae coopered2 houra in The trend including performancefar in April, appears to be coming up.

The eecurlty situation in Saigon and HVN continues to improve with sporadic exceptionsalmost as good as Chicago and Washington.

U. etter of terminationGFA)0all Order for

Due to possible other priority requirements, the Customer cancelled the terminationending further developments.

attached were candid ehota by BMSGN in our Saigon m very proud of the local Technical Servicee effort ofmonths to screen and train those pictured from coolies to In line. Government po11ct_weshalifollow-on progrnms. WmWW' - undergoing one year ofail-m. an epoch-making endeavor never done before, by an American company

in RVN. It also resulted in favorable preaa coverage previoualy reported.

The decision to close the Saigon hostel appears toiso one. We have issued only three Non-Availability Certificates froaarch

I cannot predict what will happen to our local economy as the trading rate goes up and buying-power of the plaeter continues go down. It la nowo. Dollar. Sooner or later an adjustment in plaeter pay acales might very well be in order.

There were NO MAJOR ACCIDENTS OR INCIDENTS in March to equal our February record. We have had one mishapaxi accident. Thisast improvement over our record last year when we experiencedccidents during the first three months.

II. CUSTCMES RELATIONS remain outstanding.


1. Forms "Fs" have been aubmitted for the Terminal Parking Apron, Renovation of HFD/SOHenovation of Various other Shops and Offices,B Concrete Helicopter Pads for SGN. The customer has signed Form Fs for the improvement of the passenger lounge at Danang and also for Completion of Ramp Paving, and drainage ditch at Danang. MED SGNor an audiometric booth has been cancelled as the result of discussions with MFD and SMO. It was found that uelng existing facilities, failures of the audiometric test are extremely rare. If an individual should fail an audio-metric teat, he will be sent to. Air Force CUnic for further testing.


1. The company provided th* Directorate of Civil Aviation with materials to reinforce the fences of its storage building for telecommunications equipment which ha3 been the object of sporadic stealing recently.

2/mi To build better relationship with the Government ofisit of AAM installations and Management by the Tan Son Nhut Airport Commandant and Staff was organised. Similar visit by other GVN agenciee will be conducted in the near future.

j. Plan to improve company transient quarters up-country has been finalised and submitted to the Head Office for approval.

Number of visits: 1 Accidents: ospitalisation: nhoBpitalization: utcalls: 1

Physical Examination: ick leaves: i

1. After three long years, several meetings, countless revisions, tho Gia Dinh Labor Service finally gave its seal of approval to our rules of Employment.

PM travelled to UTH to participate in the meeting called to discuss the terns of the agreement between the Company and the Par East Pilots Association.

ersonnelaigon Baae



38 13 2 12


Classif. Permanent





During the month many difficulties with Immigration and Customs were encountered. Local officials desire to setup three control points within the Terminal for personal baggage check both puAgqiruriand incoming, but the customer is strongly opposed.

rrived from HongKong with properly documentedbut with manifests showing only "Personal Effects* for some Customer HongKong purchases. The Customs people wanted to hold the aircraft and contents in bond until the Individuals cleared the items.

One of the CORDS sponsored passengers onailed to clear Immigration and caused some difficulty, which was cleared the next day.

departure SGN (all contracts) Passengers arrival SON (All contracts) Outbound cargo SGK Inbound cargo SON




Cargo (including AF Caribou (lbs)

Inbound (lbs)


res/TPE and AVP/TPS visited Saigon Base. The President waswith the new window in FCD overlooking the ramp and hetudy be made on the feasibility ofirror outside which would enable us to view the departures from the Traffic Terminal. In conjunction with thistudy of closed circuit TV installation is being made.

presently engaged in Operations Dispatcher OJT We expect her check out in routine operations She will be the first female Flight Dispatcher in the history of Saigon Base.

1 customer addedC to the contract

There wereontrollable andon-controllable delaysotalaigon departures. This averages out ton time

3. Flight time report (see attachment A)

Ground Fire Incidents report (see attachment B)


engine flamed out and started

smoking while taxiing to ramp afteroted flame in tail pipe. . engine fire bottle washorough inspection of the engine was made by maintenance and was found to be satisfactory. The cause of the engine flame out was not determined. The presence of smoke and flame in the engine exhaust tall pipe wasdue to the residue of fuel, in the Plenum Chamber and the failure to motor engine innsediately after flame out.

SVN opera- During overnight service. tion exact engine impeller blades damaged from location foreign object.daToreign object unknown damage was not determined.

SVN opera- On walk around after daysR.H. engine first stage compressor

blades have several deep nicks. Engine was satisfactory on previous overnight service. Foreign object damage source unknown. Continued emphasis on FCD is in progress.


Aggregate microbuseskmiles

Microbuses paxpax

Isuzu Buskm0 miles


Ieuxu bus paxpax

Supply vehiclekm1 miles


- The first half of the month wae epent lnthe Company/PEPA agreement and the laet half in awewaa agreed upon. The FEPA agreement has bean bolstered byof transponders in tha VTB aircraft. Thehas dona its share of raising morale. Ourrunning well ahead of schedule. Next Item on the agendaourHF.

MFDSVH with the BHSGN, PHSGN and HFASCNeeting convened by the Preeldent at Udorn. Thie meeting attended by corresponding representatives from other bases, was to apprize all of the eontenta and interpretation of the FEPA agreement.

Our laat2 departed the station for Bangkokarch. This leavesn storage for which there are no crews assigned. We have one Hallo ln atorage for which we have no crews assigned or current.


March was very productive and passedajor problem. Several facility projects were completed and closed out.

be are trying to Improve ground safety and generel housekeeping. Two of these areasmployees walking across the East ramp at ahift change with aircraft taxiing in/out of the came ramp. ehicle controls for posalblyew managers to park their private vehicles behind the RHD hangar.

Regarding CTO accumulation, progrese ie being made in every department of Technical Services. The same equal attention baa been applied to Borne Leave and Annual Vacations.

The new elevated TSN airport water tower le not living up to oury any means. It is unable to supply all the water requirements of the few Airline users. Water eupply lines are being turned off during the lunch period and also fromvery day, and we have to pump froa0 Gal. underground reservoir, which must obtain its reeupply from that same TSN tower.

8. Aircraft Maintenance - The aircraft maintenance activity waa on the increase during the month with tho resultant increase in work load which was generated by the higher number of aircraft departures and arrivals, engine changes and Ho.ab services on.

Ten aircraft departure delays were charged to maintenance during the month which haa sharply increased over the month of February. Some of the delays appear to be beyond control of maintenance personnel however the majority were not and could be avoided if everyonedid put more thorough effort into aircraft maintenance.

3. notary Wiry - This month we have been quite busy flying0 hours and performing ten number two services, twoervicee, oneervice, two high time engine changes and two engine changes with hot end inspections to facilitate turn around tine.

A new Flight Mechanic Training Course atarted onh and eleven TCN'8 wore transferredection for JJT.

1. Shoja - Overall Shop activities remained on an oven par. The number I, service onas accomplished without any major problems.

- The Planning and Production Controlpre-planned, scheduled and proeeoeed, for aircraft of allovernight services;umber one services;umber twonumber threennual inspections;

ngine changeeropeller changes;l's;ime controlled components changengine hot eectionain rotor hubrth'shop work orders.

Maintenance - Several acres have been made this aonthutilize existing space and enable the demolition of twohave been eyeeores for years. Offices affected In the movesTechnical Training offices, SAT, Accounting and SupplyTime Shack and Supply Storage (Rice Room) near the Operationsdemolished. MSAFE was moved back to the EH Office.

In* tal la tion of porcelaine insulators foraai power cable between tho Utilities building and the RCMD Complex le In progress.

?, Electronice - This monthTC Transponder Installations: 7EAere completed.

The project of in-country teletype circuits is dormant pending receipt of customers willingness or acknowledgement of Intent to furnish the required land liner and circuit pattis at and between SCN-UI>-NHA.

Training - March had our Technical Training Department

operatingeduced schedule duehortage of two Instructore. However, no courses under instruction were dropped and the following courees were completed: Non-destructive Testing, Heat treating. Welding. Classes now in progress axe: Management course, Helicopter Maintenance It flight Mechanics course.

he aonth of March was about the same as theFebruary. The work load haa settled down on an even keel.

We had four Inspectore satisfactorily complete the four week Technical Training course on Non-destructive Inspection.

Storee Section - The closing of the hostel and tearing down ofation/rice room hasemporary burden on RSD aa secured storage space needed for bulky Items of this nature iscarcity.

Stoc< Controluring the aonth of March, Stock Control workloadlight decrease as compared to previous Booths.

Customs - The Customs Agent continues to porforn in an outstanding aanner despite the never-onclng petty and irritating problems which have to be faced daily. Thanks to hie ability, fortitude and loyalty, he again managed to clear all commercially shipped Company cargo with celerity, thereby reducing any officially planned delaysinimum.

CtcIb Inventory - During the month of March, the Property and Inventory Unit completed cycle inventories ofor

a totaline Items. Also completed was property cycle inventory6)otal2 line Items. In addition to cycleroperty transactions were made.

I. J. Thetsen baseGN

lock Tim* Flight Tl**j





Sob Total







Flight Tlae byf Aircraft


Hal7 DBC-4


Flight Tlae* Block Tlao

Oi'tcioti Signed Br





gf^ABT I

- Oround-Pire Incident* -

ype, Contract

Kar. i Z t VTB i 1


ar. I




ar. I




vaaight base for landing on run-

hen the control tover requested

eg. turn. Entering the turn

TURNERhatter of automatic vea-

fire and felt the impact of one round

. Capt. TURNER continued tha

deg. turn vith no further incident. Inspec-

revealed tbe extentamage to be one

in through the right wheel vail door snd

through the engine exhaust. There vaa no


ST0UDT vaa on final vhen be heard one small

round pees near. No personnel

amage involved.

1 On landing at hotel pad PIC observed threem mortarm grenades impactoot in front. PIC flew outontinued to operate in aaaa area,istance from this pad. The PIC oca erredurther activity, t

t while on olimbout PIC heard groundflr*t. PIC continued climbout andhe area. No personnel injuryamage

1 involved.

Mar. 1 X 1 1

as on the approach to an LZ, erev* Imortar fire in the vicinity of the LZ.

t PI', eloeted to go around and make hie approachifferent direction. Afterar fireetcra PICseUately took off and departed the area. ersonnel injuryamage involved.

af-W ii

Situation Summary -

During the early part of March all eyes here were focused on events transpiring on the Plain De Jars and in Cambodia. Reports wore being received that the Cambodian Military Forces were pressuring tho MVA to vacate their border by attempting to cut off enemy supply depots and transportation corridors. Enemy logistic activity was reported ln all bordering provinces throughout RVN and Increased terrorist/ sapper incidents were carried out in the larger cities for the second consecutive month (somencidents in Saigon alone) most of which involved use of grenades thrown from motorbikes and email quantities of plastic charges targeted for allied and Vietnamese installations. On the evening ofh That-Sonn the Delta reported receiving anounds of mixed mortar and rocket firewhat has turned out toountry wide coordinated offensivehighpolnt" in military Jargon) and what is believed to be another phase of tho Spring Campaign. Attacks by fire and small unit ground attacks can be expected until the termination of this current phase of activity in early April


f 2 -

Original document.

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