Created: 3/28/1980

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The Revolutionary Council's deoision to postpone the eeaond round of legislative elections probably reflects the rivalryPresident Bani-Sadr and Ayatollah Beheehti. j

Bani-Sadr haa tha moat to gain from theof allogod fraud in tho firat round bccauao his aupportors woro doing poorly. Because he will gain time to organize, Bohoahti'a Ielamic Republic Party, which haa tha beat grasaroota organization, probably isthat it will continue to do well in the runoffs. Moroovor, Bohoshti calculates that dragging out tho hoatage issuo serves to weaken the President's political influence.

Hostage Issue

Bcheahti appears to be considering how theshould handle the hostage iaaue onco it convenoa. Hia endorsement jt the call by the olergy in Tehran for hoatage trials by the leglalature probably waa intended to aet the atage forourse and embarraee Bani-Sadr.


ul ii

Tho militants have not independently called for trials recently. While they value Beheshti's political support, they know that he la basically en opportunist and could turn on thorn, f

Oil Prices

Iranian Oil Minister Moinfar stated yesterday that Iranian crudo oil prices will rise abouter barrel on Tuosday. Iranian crude prices, currently7 per barrel, are alroady the highest in the Persian Gulf. Although allapanese crudo buyers recontly turned down offers of supplementary modium-term contracts00 barrels per day at premiums ofoer barrel, they and other customers heavily dependent on Iranian oil probably would reluctantly accept an across-tho-board increase In the base price.

Tnfi Wrar.


Original document.

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