Created: 9/29/1980

OCR scan of the original document, errors are possible

Purorearge portion of the Soviet-Polish border haa been closed and that Polish First Secretary Kania hae gone to.annot be confirmed. SB*

on Friday

that, according to an eyewitness who traveled halfof the Polish-Soviet border from Bresteptember, all crossing points except theBrest were closed to general traffic. Militiain large numbers at these closed border

similar rumors were heard on Friday from Soviet sources in Vilnius, approximatelyiles fror the Polish border.

There is no information to confirm these reports.


vindicates that the level of Soviet

military activity in and near Poland has not changed since thc middle of last week.

'also reported that Kania was on his way to Moscow on Friday, and various Westernhave heard rumors that he Is there. OBBBm*reported similar information, source claiming that the Polish party plenum was post-poned from Friday until today because of the trip. WsWm

Rotorsania visit to Moscow first surfaced in Warsaw two weeks ago. rip normally would be customary. New party leaders in Eastern Europehave traveled to the Kremlin to payonth of assuming power.ecret trip by Kania prior to the party plenum, however, wouldeither that he is having some difficultypersonnel and policy changes or that the Soviets are dissatisfied with the new Polish leadership's >roqress in repairing the party's shaken authority. tMM

Approved for fiat


Original document.

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