Created: 11/15/1980

OCR scan of the original document, errors are possible

National Intelligence Daily (Cable)



//The uar vith Iraq haa given the Iranian Revolutionary Guard and the regularcmor. objeativc but hae net ended the

rivalry beivcen the tx foroen.//

the strong determination of both Amy and

Guard personnel to defoato real cooperation betwean the two forces, f

and the new uniforms'n* GUA

he fighting spirit The Army personnel

wore reasonably well organized,

fthe Guards continue Detter motivated than tho regular forces.//

Negotiating Position

Iranian leaders continue toough public linoease-fire. Ayatollah Beheshti said onthat Irac must withdraw all its forces before an end to the hostilities can oven be considered. Prime Minister Rajai rejected press roports that Iran was prepared to negotiate directly with Baghdad after withdrawal.

Seeking Jet Fuel Additives

An ancirreeze in-grecienc is tne moat critical ot the additives normally uspd in Jet fuel production. The bulk of Iran's jet fuel was normally produced at tho now inoperable Abadan refinery.


Withercent of its refinery capacity notand rationing imposed, Iran continues to bo in the market for refined petroleum products from Europe and the Far East. Iran has been seeking kerosene, diesel oil, lubricating oil, and jot fuel.

Soviet commentary on Hostage Situation

Soviet media commentary emphasizes the problems the US allegedly faces in meeting Iran's conditions for the hostages' release. Citing US media reports, tho Soviet press has focused particularly on Iran's financialand has claimed that the US, using theof constitutional limitations, has no plans to comply. These themes have received more stridont treatment in broadcasts on the Soviet-sponsored National Voice of Tran. (U)

The tone of Soviet commentary suggeststho resolution of the hostage issue might resultIranian-US reconciliation, especially if the USarms supplies to Iran. In an effort toprocess and to reinforce Iranian antipathyUS, Soviet media continue to warn of allegedfor "military aggression" against

Original document.

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