Created: 11/26/1980

OCR scan of the original document, errors are possible

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Hon. Stansfield Turner Director

Central Intelligence Agency

..Dear Stan:


Anumber of roy constituents have recently brought to my attention some serious allegations concerning United Nations Secretary General Kurt Waldheim's alleged association with the Nazi Youth Movement and his actionsehrraacrrt officer95 on the Eastern Front. They contend that, accordingecent article in the New Republic, heember of the Nazi Youth Movement and that, as an officer assigned to the Soviet front, Waldheim may have been involved with the slaughter of Soviet Jews. It is, of course, well known that extermination teams served with regular German army units on the Soviet front and were empowered to use these troops to carry out the mass murder of Jews and other civilians.

In view of the tremendous respect and influence that is attached to the position of Secretary General of the Unitedelieve it is absolutely essential that theof the individual serving in this capacity be beyond reproach. ould very much appreciate it, therefore, if the Central Intelligence Agency could provide me with any biographical information on Kurt Waldheim that it may have in its files, which would tend to substantiate or disprove these allegations. would be particularly interested-in any documentation of the following two points:

Waldheim's alleged association with the Nazi Youth Movement; and

The names and numbers of the units in which Waldheim sryed, and any specific Information about Waldheim's activities and responsibilities during the war.

Thank you for your assistance in this matter.

STEPHEN J. SOLARZ Member of Congress

Original document.

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