Created: 1/12/1981

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Solidarity thawed imprtttiot strength on Saturday when large nienbers of Pole* ignored government warnings and stayed off the

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The government contends that two-thirds of the work force reported for the first shift, but It seems clear that many of Poland's industrial centers were idled. The pressure now is on the government to find an acceptable compromise, but it may be content for the moment to let local authorities negotiate accords at the factory level. Attempts by factory managers to follow through on the government's threat to dock the wages of workers who were absent last Saturday will only complicate negotiations and will provoke at least wildcat strikes. sJsmsf-

Discussions at the national level will be delayedby the departure for Rome tomorrow of Solidarity leader Walesaumber of bin associates. Walesa is not expected to return to Poland until early next week. terns*.

Speakingeeting on agricultural issues on Saturday, party leader Kania ignored the dispute over free Saturdays but harshly criticized antisooialist "outsiders" who are trying to use demandsural tradeso-calledpolitical opposition" inuntryside. His remarks apparently ledarsh replyember ofNational Coordinating Commission, who raised the possibilitytrike in response to what hecribedenerally hardened government posture, sr

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for the*rural trade union reaotea^moremoderately,some provocative posters tha* had appearedone town and disclaiming the need for any strikes to buttress tha farmers' grievances. asBBk>

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Strikers ousted

Authoritiesouthern province yesterday used the police to evict sit-in strikersovernment building. Accordingolish press account, the strikers, who included representatives of the local Solidarity chapter, left the building without resistance. The aotion, the first of its kind since Solidarity came into existence, could have been taken on the initiative of the local authorities. Nonetheless, it seems likely to sour further the atmosphere between Solidarity and the regime. The authorities apparently made no arrests and reaffirmed their willingness to discuss even the most sensitive issues, actions that could temper Solidarity's reaction to the incident.

Soviet Leadership Split

Recent reports have provided the first specific evidence of division within thc Soviet Politburo over whether to intervene militarily in Poland. In early

members Suslov, Andropov, and Gorbachev as favoring intervention in Poland, and Brezhnev, Tikhonov,rev asore moderate approach. JMdid not mention the attitudes of other Politburo irs. The moderates clearly prevailed at that time, as indicated by the reprieve granted the Kania regime at the Warsaw Pact meeting held in Moscowecember.

Soviet military "r- ;.

preparations in early Decemberscarelthough it is doubtful that he would have beenabout the full extent and purpose of the preparations The Poles vere said not to have crossed the line beyond which theiractions^be unacceptable to President esmBBBBSBBBBBSsVmr*'

Hints of disagreement or uncertainty within the Soviet party over the seriousnesse Polish situation have appeared in media handling of the issue since mid-December, suggesting that the Politburo differences

remain unresolved. Preparations for the Soviet Party Congress to be held late next month may. hindering resolution of the issue.

monthorted ly stated in private- that Moscow would undertake no new foreign policy initiatives, including specifically aa intervention in Poland, until after the Congress was over. SsmmBBSsHseeesVexplained that postponement of any use of force to settle the continuing "chaos" in Poland was intended to eliminate potential unpleasantness during the Congress for the many foreign guests and for Brezhnev personally.

Original document.

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