Created: 4/30/1981

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POLAND: Party Plenum

stCshhip offieiully went on record at yesterday's Central Committee plenum ase internal democratization and atimited redefinition of ite role,

but it ia clear that acme rank-and-file aotiviete will continue to

urge reforms broader than thoae the leadership now contemplates. ffW)


In his Politburo report, party leadar Kania wasconciliatory and responsive to some of the demands of tho reformers in the party. He also accepted criticism that the pace of reform has been too slow.

party leader announced the date of theparty congress for mid-July, and he presented proposed changes in the party statutes. These Included new electoral procedures, limited terns of office for partythat of the firstand stricter definition ofthe powers and responsibilities of the party apparatus, ffjl

Kania restated the party's commitment to cooperating with Solidarity but criticized the union for rashly using strikes, allowing dissidents to have "real influence" within its ranks, and permitting union publications that contain antigovernment statements. He delivered his remarksatter-of-fact manner that suggests the regime does not want to damage its efforts toood ralationship with union moderates. MM"

Disgruntled rank-and-fileers will be encouragod by parts of Kania's sr*ech. ocal party official from Gdansk, who has been an outspoken critic of the top leadership, said that "for tha firstolitburo roport has satisfied us." MM

Nevertheless, the debate following Kania's speech was characterized aa "great and stormy"adio announcer. Some speakers were critical of the cautious approach Kania took to the recent efforts of local party organisations to form "horizontal" conaultative groups. They will take ited sign that the leadership is unwilling to have observers from these groups attend the session. MM

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Other speakers spoke out rowetuilyore

ro-siijev"o.account Of those party officials responsible for Poland's current problems, while others wanted sweeping changes in the party leadership. Wm

The party leaders did not respond to reformers' cans tor drastic personnel changes but instead removed two Poliburo members and two Secretariat members who had not been mentioned prominently by the reformers! key hardline members of the top leadership will thus remain

ilp2^v! le*Bt Until the cong^ss. Three of the four men added to the top leadership, however, appear to be

8eekin9 reforms. The leadership

Iappointing two workers to the

Politburo, asses-

In cheemaining before the party congress the reformers will undoubtedly call for further reforms and will demand that Kania's words be translated into deeds.

Original document.

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