Created: 7/23/1981

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USSR-POLANDi Moscow Silent on Party Meeting

The absence of an announcement that the Central Committee met haehadow over the Supreme Soviet session scheduled to open today. mMJ

Failure tolenumupremo Soviat meeting would be unprecedented; it could indicate either the auddon illness of President Bre2hnevolitburo disagreement over Poland. elay in announcing tho meeting probably would indicata that the plenum produced major policy or personnel changes which the leadership has not yethow to treat publicly, mw

Polieh hardliners were encouraged by new Sovietof concern over the weekend about tha situation in Poland. Organisers of the Katowice Partyhad earlier claimed that they would discontinuetatement calling for an investigation of the media campaign against thoir group in early Juno. gMJ

IASS yesterday claimed that another apparentlyPosnan Partyexpressed its support for the Soviet letterune and called on the party leadership to act against those endangering the Marxist-Leninist character of the party. Tho Soviets slao referredew Warsaw weekly that criticized the loader-ship for making concessions to "antisociolista." mMM

ApprjMgd for

Original document.

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