Created: 12/1/1983

OCR scan of the original document, errors are possible


NEPAL-US: King's vim

king birendra is mttmg washing-ion next week hoping tolearorproposalave tenpelone ol peace ana loooiain someconomic ant* security essistcnci PJM

Tho King believes US support tor his plan would help strengthen Nepal's neutralityuffer between India and China. He Inlands io request more economic aid. including support for continued development of Nepal'a hydroelectric power.i

Birendra also will seek approval for rug efforts to liberalize some aspects of (he feudal political system.|

The Nepalese leader (ears thaihe viewsovtetlake advantage of any pc-Uiicai unrest to overwhelm Nepal asreviously has done in Sikkim and Bhutan

The King remains the final authority in Nepal and faces only weak and divided opposition- The political reforms ttot he has introduced in recent years have been largely cosmetic. His liberalizing Instincts we offset by aby conservalive members of his tzmlfy and palacepreserve the power of the monarchy, ffj

tcs mom

Blrendra'a 'rtitiallve to have Nepal deci/tred an Internauo'iai zone of peace Ii largely intendedsychologice! defense against India

Original document.

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