Created: 12/16/1943

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G50RQE3 AWASIASIU, Monausanne, Roumanian student of social goienoes at the University of Lausanne, formerly studied radio engineering at the Eidgen. Teohnlsohe Hoohsohule In Zurich, His father, Rqoul Anaataeluigh official at the Press Ministry In Buoarest, but father and son do not get along very well because the parents ars divorced. Georges was in Belgradehort time1 and in Buoarest this summer. He haa been in Switzerland

Boki knows Georges A.eighbor and says that he was formerly pro-Nazi but claims to have changes. He approach Beki and said he was very friendly with people working at the Persian Consulate in Lausanne among whom heorst yon_Gabriel,_assistant to the chief whose initials he gaveD.,andellow named VtJlkle, Ortsgruppenftlhrer,

Bakl beliavea that Gaorgea A. might be able to furnish us with valuable information regarding the aotivitiee of the various members of the German Consulate in Lausanne. However, Georges A. wants to be paid for it and the question arlaea if we are interested in this type of information. It la of coure understood that Bekl did not tell Georges A. for whom this

information is




Bekl would also like to know if we are still ixt^ereste in sending one of the Yougoslav offioers interned at Yverdon to Italy or whether we want to drop this matter.


Original document.

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