Created: 12/28/1943

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Foreign Nationalities Branch

Office of Strategic Services3




jXUiUa, Oscar Antoni

Place: Date:


SotoSffeloz, CliffEspanol,0

Thotior. inCi cane in for biting attack ateti-c; of th- Conito deis?ana held atClub Ohrcro Espar.ol in pTck York City, All but UeAvoy spoke in Spanish.

Dan Antonio do la Villa, fonaur Spanish Republican consul U:s thu first of several spesV:-rs to ciscuss "Spain and its Problems." he Ccnite for askingo speak withoutinto hishey knev; hini-Fascistor- yilling to cork with hi;-. 'Mseoch attacked tho Junta cc Librae ion fer refusal to accept representatives of all yolivical partita. by Oscar Antonio de,

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The speechevoked fror. the. thuspressior. of hostility to the Mexico Cityia



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Dc Succar vrantcd to -knor;o aro these people- trliop tho somber ship of th^ Junti dc Libcracion?*' ill, there wcro-aoni. friur.ds ofAtnd^.lvCio^Pricto and some


nd on; or two others.

The first announcmont of the Junta, sold dcod madepoar that it stood for the ono thing oil Spanish Republicans had been vrorkingnity. But events hadho first impression. The Junta could not represent thL Spanish people; it refusednt1-Fascist -par-tics and-filled to givetoority of Spanish thought today. The people in 'i-xico City had.thcmclvos up as jy authority whatsoever. IIT, theart of the. Socialists, .and th-ad not be.r. included, hoas in the Junta?

ot rjprussnt: thwpl-j, deent or. to say. ?erhapa itidxro or three, ho "as so fat; perhapsycophants. Martinez Barrio ras. Ono couldelightfulth hin. 5at "he cill hnvr to Qiva' proof thatll not againetray Spain as WL/tid3 when h- delivered Spain" Into the hands,"

sibl-t-tion tohich fought against Franco, v'l :sust hav_ unity.

Succar recalled that th- Comittoc had aspirations toovc.rnracnt-in--xilo. Ho'" could it hop- for thath- tru- gov.r'ruaent of th-ubllc had never died? "Tho Spanish Governa-nt is ntill alive in the person of Dr. Negrin." If re did not accept tho continuity of the Spanish Republic with itsliinister Negrin and everything that the Constitution inpli-d, then tro denied all that the Spanish Republic and its Constitution stood for; unity nust fc-n legality. The Coraiittae in iI_xlcos not based on legality, and itsr. sinply app-asers. In order to pl-as. certains in Or.;at Britain andartn^nt of State, itused to accept Coa-aur.lsts. Socialists, and others, the veryapain ofharged.

Dended by st'.ting his conviction thatislor. could be nado or. post-rar Spain which had not bi-r. tak--ri up with thenion. and Churchill had gone ally too? Stalin; how couldublic ns ovjrloaS:lennlng th- Spain of the future?

Another sp-akcr, Srn-stinr-he attacks on tho Junta, andpanishelets to tak- the "now Fr-nch Popularj'.del. During th-s-rs,lar-d, th-o accept allscistciv_ it political coloration.


sfc. speaker on "Spain" and itsus Hobles Toyo, Chancellor of tho lexicon Consulate at How York, spoke, forxican Consul General, Ricardo G.o could not attend. Toyo called for unity of all Sp-.nish anti-Fascists to get rid of Franco and the o put forwardc:vtehat thy Club Obrero and th- Oolite de Ur.ificacioh Hiapana approach all Spanish organisations in Hea York Cityiew to achievinguch unitv as possible.

Sotoppeared on th-opocialfor the independence of Puerto Rico. Clifford ilcAvoy, legislative attorney for the CIO,ited. states Congress as reactionary andhee to write itsn support of subsidy legislation.

During thj meeting anr.ouncorient was uado that the Archbishop of Canterbury's book Thvf Sovietr was available,al peoplethrough the audience offering it for sal^. ieocraphcd handbill, headed "La Conf-renci- dohich attacked "reactionary" politicians in tho United States, was circulated by the ClubIia*de liostoErty,. Copies oT^-kgpanacoru also sold at

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According to thet: York dall^Iaofuconber the assembly agreed toelogran to Indalucio Prl'-to and Martinez 3arrlo,satisfaction for the degree ofich hadrought about anong the Ropublicon fictions, but registering disapproval of the nnrroc fra:.v, within uhich the Junta had been conc-iv-d. Apt support was sent to the Spanish workers and syndicalist organizationsco.

Original document.

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