Created: 3/28/1949

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Germany (Russian Zo-w)

JU3JtCV rj*anisiitior. of th: Crisinol Folic;.



Thn reorganisation of toe Crioinsl Polica in tho Soviet Zone of

Oocuyai-iuii, uruarott Irf LiiH wm'abvi iuiliiiiwttliri -lisr.mplementa plana which, eftor frequent changi's, ware completed byn October or She cod structure of the reorganised Cri ilnal Police embodies therundauental innovations:

regards its vertical structure the Crlnlnal Police hasof its autonosx>UB character within thohe

. Soviet Zone Police. More specifically, the Criminal Polio*lpnger_an indepq".dntit special po-Uce brsnph (I'schsparte)struoturo distinct fromthalTor th* otherpolice branches,bacon* partniforn pollen syatext. in practicalhas resulted principally in tba abolition of allchannels,coaifland authoritynow vestedof tbB.potlSl.loa of glylcn. -he. criminal

police in'ii" pnrfr. The chiefs oi' tucetain tr-oh-nlcaX'cutitrol;atter of course, the right to hand down technical directive will not prevail if the chief of the policeontrary opinion. The complete absorption of ths Criminal Polloe into the uniform police syatan also finds lta expression in tlie abolition of apeclal rankcriminal polios

Eersonnel. If, aiiriminal Pclieu should be pnfc nto uniform, all distinctive characteristics would in ftfT'ot have disappeared.

horizontal structure of tha Criminal Police, as itthe latest reorganization, represents an attempt, toa reform of rbe crlnlnal law which differentiatescrimes according to standards, social sodunder the Harxian theory. The new functionalof the Crlnlnal Police is designed to project




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DX, CIMCSUR PoiftD Eucou

Gen. Rowley


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upon its atruotTr* by placing spuri ithosehich am directedhesocialized property which form the of thp


t but also by th* judge in his" ep-Uectier, sf tho old laws, is lapllcltly convoyed. pr-ctlcal terms the saw systen

aoonooy. Sy subjecting such crises in tho Initial pollen phiaapecial cyp- of investigation, the seriousness with- to te viewed, not only by the public prosecutor in his

by th*ir convoy*"'.

rawdistinction betanwn the low ftriving; beltoblloly owned plant and the robb-rylomord necklacerivate house. The former will be handled by Section B, th* latter by C. Th* former crime has inflictedage; the letterere private offense. The task of the esse officer Ina merely to ascertain end to state in his final report that social daaage has been Inflicted, asking thatp*trstor te givenirlr-meac. Ho speciali te given to the degree of culpability involved. On the other tend, the tnitlal Investlso-tlon Mill have to doterrains whether thn erLne directed againstJ


. -cos*, Che crime In question falls under the Jurlsdl-sMon, not of Section B, bat of-

roat many Instances the new system mar reemt in Jeei*.di=ti=nfil wuofllots whicn can be resolved only after polloa inveotlgntion has practically boon doapleted. irtiatbers con-petent to he-die tho crlma will often te decided only after. In the course of the investigation, certain racts hove ceoe to light on tha basis of eh"oh It can te said that the perpetrator is either"normalnofolitical saboteur. In practice, the following Is liable to happen- while thn Investigation Is running its coarse the oaeo may te started In one section, revert to another, and be finishedhird.

The new horlsontal structure of the Criminal Polloo in thehaving teen in forceooperatively abort time, teaIn id many Jurisdictional problems, that it has seriously the efficiency of Zonal police work. In addition, tne?.zzhi far liwti- of souiei crises,

ao that the enount of work to be dona bys far greater that that required of B,orresponding allocation of personnel. Qualified personnel who can ill te spared have bad to be divertedeotlon where they are least needed.

nrt of the new


as not aPyct teen There are two schools

tlonith Paction

fin liTdepr'r.aBnt. security

of thought, one_fBvprlng the mtfgra-_B, tho other advocating thV activation of >ollco branch.

apparatus (political police) hasre. It jontinuSQopriteinTHThe police ByStea







* t


Excerpts from, issund by Abtellune X, Lendes-

Th* structure of the Crloinal Police tn the Soviet Zone "ill be the foUcdngi

1. n the Oeriaan Administration or the Interior is aub-divided into thetlonei

Statistics and Reports (Berichtswesen) Protection and Security of the national econony Other Criura

Crio* Identification Service (Hrkennungsdlcnst) Searches (Fuhndung)

2* of the Landeapolixoi-oenordn ILand police headquarters) la sub-divided into so-called Deaernata, the alphabetical designations and functional delineations being Identical with those ofseebove).

3. The KTeUkrlalnalpolixelebteilongen (KKPA) of tho PoliceiaBter are sub-divided Intoalled Kcmmissorlste. Their structure differs froa that of the afornaxntionednd Landeskrinilnal-poliaeiabtellungwn in the following respects! re. on grounds of expediency, merged into one. Thus there are only three Koauissariatereialtrialnalpoliaelabtnllung.

conprise three Saeheebletoi B,nd ftergad as in the ease of the KreiakrielnalpoliBeie wall precxncts to wnicn only one police official

he extent of their territorial Jurisdiction (Arbeitsfrbleto) they

is assigned, all

latter two being In

ouinll precincts to nfalcn omy one poiie cases Mill be handled by thia individual.


Shen the landeskrininalpoliaeiebtellunHen and thon the KrelBkrlninalpolizniabteilunHon remain Intact with regard both to structure snd personnel.

following cowhand echelon is provided for the Crlnlnal Police:

Administration of theof Rauptabteilung K

Deputy PK (PolitAultur) Deputy OPecretariat

Police headquarters

Chief ofwho at the nana tine is tho deputy to the

chief of the Land polioo)



0* District Police Hasdquarters

Chief ofwho at the ser* tine is the deputy to the

ohief of district police)


Th* Chief ofas no deputy. In hla absence the head ofill deputise for hia,

new structure of the Criminal Polloe reflects the politicalchanges which have occurred in the Soviet Zone ofthe three and one half years alnoe tho termination ofwar.


Th* Deaernate endre charged with the protection oi and of socialised property (Volkselgentuta).


..- ,wr Kv. : cn.irg' oi to-

-jcssirai jrivate interests. lJ BTrlj"oordirie'-.lon.

The Dej*r. at* 9frfr technicalesernal* anr"hrrgea sith the ad-ilslstrntlon 'f Iresources of th* criminal pollc,

Tee*-ml-- rol (fcchllchn Leitung) ow the various echelons oi*

Ueis ewreliel by thef che

or*fiice conirois 'iha lsm-i:

the LandaE'<riolnalp3li!ielofcflliii;e, which aon-

trols the crlil'Bl rolico of ea-ih land- tho chief of theho controls thelce In Cta


Comssnd authority Plans taufsloht) over the various wchelom. ofPol ice Is vested In the President of the German Adclnir.tof the interior, oho comcands the Crlalral Police In th"the chief of the Land police. whoihe Crlalnelth-f the PoliwfPltT,o-iiwnd 'hein thehe chiefs of the precincts, who


rai. Ann*rter (police aspirant)

Pol. Jach twister

Pol. Oberaaoht-ieiflter

Pol. Hauptwachtwist^r

Pol. Tfclster

Pol. Kcou:.lsasr

Pol. Ob^rWoitssispar

Pol. list


y owsb ad eor

Pol. Instour


I Co*menil ifferentcontext the docuoentd*9axiainalp3llseiabteiiuns as Abtailung F.ollseibehOrte. Th" foranr designation, however. Is BnS'wl


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Original document.

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