Created: 4/20/1949

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iii-riiLioBifcz wugaumnH bo.

BOBJEOI! Foreign Activities in the Field of Biologic!

affi* ^

the USSR with resoect te;

a. the' hiotor. <u organization, ulnnniiw? nnd research eince the beginning of World tar I

h. the national nolicy governing research on, nnd eniloy-nent of biological weeeons.

current stntus of the BV/ -oro/frans.

country's Military evaluation of this ueanonetandnolnt of strategic inwortonoe and strategic


rfare Intelligence ABency, exceed of representatives of the

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their lnSr;-Sfi'? roduct of



fc, ar teoretery at

Kaoosuaxi A- hrun ooplasasedpril tWi

Ite country in the world is now known toe^nred to nee Biologicalopenly, ountry will niSit intention to nee B-eaoon of offense, exceot ln retalintion. Any country willing to sr.netleaundercover useI can erailoy it nt any tine withoutof lnitlra hindrance. ntried, BJ is regr-rded in all lnfenned circlestentiKlly lowerful wennon.

Biological Warfare was recognizedotential method of warfare during uorld War I, but ne known organized efforte were nade by nny nation to develop it nntil after ita use had been interdicted by Inter-national agreement. The League of IV tlone docunent5 was ratified by k2 countries, but not by tho Pattedar Jftoan.




Indicates that

Bosnians oeran conductd research bobs tine in thehe GenvuieTineed that the OSSH had BJ installations oa Gradoolya

Island in Lake Seligar, Vbsroshdeniyn Islandke Aral, and at

Schlueeelterg. ianee* mentioned Ylndivostock and KhabrroTsfc.

2ed Array has at least one Bi/ researchnt Kuibyshev

under the direction ofI. Cinsbnre;. believed that the First

Chief Directorate of the USSR under Beriyn,assisting the RednTOonrins au-rjliee for Btf develonnent.

There io no definite knowledge of the kinds of reoerrch and

devslo-nent nov being undertaken by the IJSSRj it is certain onlya ln -irocress. Russian scientists have Tubliehed nurely Boientific reports on every nathegenlo nlemorganien and toxin that couldbe usedJ therefore.e.-rch of any kind nay conceivably be in progress. Soviet interrogations of Cer-win Knd Javanese scientists denonstrated the Busslna interest in nlatfue, anthrax, and the lnteotlnal diseaeeB. The nost reliable Indication of current Soviet interesterivedenort of Soviet exnerlnente on the dielnfectlon of wells. Some of theeo wells hnd been deliberately contaminated by an agentiolent andntestinal disease. ecent unconfirmed report stetes that the Soviets have bonbs for dieseninr.tion ofnts. It is too soon, howevsr, to assert that the Soviets nre ready to use Bvilitary weanoa.

Defence: Practically nothing isout Soviet research and develonnent on defense arsinst BJ. Of course all ucnal nedical research on infectious dissasee end on nubile health facilities forhen may

Original document.

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