Created: 9/2/1949

OCR scan of the original document, errors are possible


firm policy toward tbe USSR, however, he will probably be able to withstand the current phase of Soviet efforts tohim and at the same time deny the Kremlin any basis for Justifying the use of "more effective measures.

UK Trade Pact The breakdown of current Yugoslav-UK

trade negotiations would seriously Impair western efforts to support the Titoasic problem confronting the UK is whether the political alignment ofwith the West should be given precedence over UKrequirements. Any decrease in shipments of machinery, crude oil, natural rubber, and wool from British sources will prove most Injurious to the Yugoslav economy, and British economists maintain that the UK is unable to absorb thearr-ounts of maize, timber, and miscellaneousproposed by Yugoslavia in lieu of increased shipments of nonferrous metals. In addition, tlie UK hasredit limitillion pounds in contrast to theillion pounds sterling credit which Yugoslavia insists is necessary tothe effects of the Com Inform economic boycott*

Original document.

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