Created: 10/24/1950

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B. O. C.


In0 STEELEwaabarelegation of Pwtisano of Peaceotion (not specified) before

Of the Prenoh National Assembly.

0 STEELS left France to go to "oscow via

^ o. STEELB't friend, Uareel Ernst H dirocTor of the ew*ortedlyVatabl lahod inltoseow"J yndlci Mondial job-

rr>f> federation Syndloalr^TTec^atlcn

of Trade Onions). Be is in oontactumber of FrenchCommunists and makes frequent trips for the

8* lQ*lag addltioDiJ Information on indiridjals in Franoo with whom STEELS had boon In oontact was obtained from other j

Jaorfaaerrwd to In

PauTOON, waa born In Paris ona ana, at ft..

present tine, he resides atue do Toumon, Paris 6o. Be ublishing business for several years snd is consideredjtjcport la this field; During 'th. Gorman occupation of prance soToral papars elandestlnely and after the war

^oosition a. director of the National Preno In rooof^taea^af^kit services. DANOOB did not

career. y significant Informationovolopod ia tha factoman namedri ofuaTournon, Paria 6a, la tho secretary of Plerr'a^CO'T, the former -inlster of Air for France and R, "djc.nla1T*PM*yt who haa been eus-pactad of being "used^^by tha Communlsta.

ary Age-cies

, referred to inaturalised French citizen born at at.(presumably HuaaiaJ fa's Uvea with hia wife,nd their two childrenue dee Baux,. Haiterary agent and tha director of tha AgeaceSV. which, until recently, had offioes atua Causartin, Paria 9e. 0 HCFF-XrH do ac rib ad hiaualf aa "the offlolal and exclusive representative for France and tha French speaking areas for tha following Aserican literary ageaclee ud publishing houaasi

Curtis Brownadison Avenue, Sewourthew lorkftarkewourthew York*6tewifth Avenue ew York City.

HOFFMANN was iaeuad non-immigrationt thain Paris Atune he statedwas coping to tha United States for approximately one monthAmerican publishing firms giving Curtis Brown,Jiadlson Avenue, New York City, as hia address. NoCMjc^oraing EOFFUANH haa been' ri

o, na.fcT'AJipg, roferred to as Colonel DELALAHDEhaa livedua Laa Caaes, Paris 7e, for the past

twenty years, and he has been employedong time by the Stabiles omenta Edgarirm engaged in mechanical oon-struction, ironwork, gaa generators, preciaion tools, metallurgy, explosives, chemical produots, and ammunitions. Nothing derogatory ia known of Paul DELSLAKDB or the Etahllaaaments Biger BRANDT.

d. Paul "pAjTg,1 ataturallied American citizen at Newark, Now Jersey, Be waft^arried to Helen HARSH onis brother, MauriceSpATlBR, Uvea at South Norwalk, Connecticut.



he. passport. lesued6 otenewed until davjerawyer and he has represented. (congress of industrial organisations) as well as severe! anorican firms, including that of one david quick, park building, .pittsburgh, pennsylvania.


o referred to lesued at wash

. In

information/was obtained on the

o# reportedly. passport ho,17

7 we would appreciateany information the bureau way be ablo to obtain an lehr thatas in determining if an international communist network isunder the cover of the publishing oonpanles with whichboon in oontaet. we would also appreciate receiving anybureau aay bo able to obtain showing that paul datier'sdayier. and his former business associate, davf^atjijci,engaged in conicunist activities. the bureau w'lii be iurniehedinformation oa steele and the individuals mentioned inreceived from.Vi

pcs the director of cetral intelligence



Original document.

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