Created: 6/16/1952

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rolloli Covcu-ccut Offer of Haocluory for Julius ont

Ethel Fowr.berg

heretoor-ojonaa giiidotco on tho offer tv-do onune by the Polish Govemrent to fciant asylum to corttiwcdpies, julloi *iA Ethel PcHinVrg, If the United States Coverwnt vlllea to. territory. theexecution data a eet forune, It laJcd that Ihcoelines be trrirrf-nitlcd by cnMo to arena where cerert Mdlacafct Irocdlately to tho fell oh offer.

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K,Cne*vn of fori lo rocp

reach tho electric chair and this oYnvllc offer by the Polish Goveir.^nl,o ostensiblyat helping lao.Woe*nlorge. is actually cynlc'.lly designed by tho Cci.vi.ilsts to place thotates Oovenuutntcsillon vhore it cannot easily grail thenlic Pollfrh'Oovcmiunt is willio th-it itsccCwiiitod offer of satictiLiiy tnounts to Inter-ff-renco in tha intcm'l affairs of tho tfciiUd Mates m'j that Amricaa reactionchatlCHpt toon tho sovi-roitnty offow vlM bs to drcry It, It la the hope of tlic CowsnistS thatMousingndignation la thla act thoy vill eclipse all chances for cloivency for tho Rosenborgs,

?. Jnci-cesingly frocjiwit rurvrs' the Fh-vinbevgs are pl.-nning to reveal detailsir ajyin^n-jo for elei vr-ey, forcedc this offer ofInjct vwuld either placate tho Rosenborgs to silc-nco or actually achieve thoir raleaso to Follsh custodythoy vould no longerhreat to tho espionage network of international Tho Cevminlsls' greatent over the Rosenbergs.slewtho fact that tho Ror-cnborgs areosition to identify Corirtunist apy rings still in oi-eratfon vhich receive

their directions and transmit stolen data through tho Sovlot arid satellite

dlploiutic missions abroad.

If you don't sect your quota, you.

Evening Staruno In this connection. It night be pointed out that Poland,,in taking this offer and speakinga acting en orders fron tho Soviet Union which to arply demonstrated to foland Its inn concern with "humanitarian principles" by tho Xstyn forestand during tho Warsaw uprisingatriots vera nassacred because the Red Any vrs'ore's red to delay crossing Vistula end liberate tfjrsavin tiro to save then, .

I.. Speculate as to whether even tho Rosenbergs vould prefer lifeFoltnd to justice as practiced in the United States since,Trial Judgo Irving Iciifnftn said, vhen sentencing theApril, lyjl,ecall tho defendant, Julius Roicnbcrg, testifyingAnwrlcw ays tea of Jury trials tvl wt th his approval and vasRussian Justice,* Withtatemrnt on record It Is hardlyJulius Rosenberg's life expectancy In Poland would postdate bisvalue to ths Ccnnunlsts, j-

Security Jnfornctlon

Original document.

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