Created: 1/26/1953

OCR scan of the original document, errors are possible

Office MemorandufW^

states government

' Assistant Director, Scientific Intelligence date:3 from i Chairman,c Medical Intelligence Working Conference

subject) Representation at Meetings of the Committee on Biological Warfare, RDB

better coordination of biological warfare and medical intelligence, the Medics! Intelligence Working Conferencebelieves that representation at semi-annual meetings of the subject Coirnittee would be helpful. Members of the Conference would then know better how to direct their efforts in support from tha standpoint of supplying intelligence.

This would entail permission for one representative from each of the eight organizations represented in the MIWC to attend these meetings as an observer. These organizations are the Office of the Secretary of Defense, the Departments of the Army, Navy, and Air Force, the Atomic Energy Commission, the Public Health Service, the Federal Civil Defense Administration, and the Central Intelligence Agency. If this number of observers is excessive, the Conference can select several members to attend the sessionsotating basis.

It is therefore requested that approval in principle be obtained from RDB for thl3 attendance. Each organization can then arrange the necessary security clearance vith RDB for theirrepresentation.

Original document.

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