K3BRABIXJM FOH L, 6UBJKCT1 Central American Situation.
.nformed Mr. Vianer of tba meeting held that morning vlth the Directorhlch authorizationen (a) for the shipment of nokreUroxe to our place In 27 J and (b) tbe payment of cl. o RDXTJ5 for tbe maintenance of his men during the next thirty days. Kr. Wlsner agreed vlth both decisions, end instructed me tothe C_ ^through J This vas done.
X recoraaended that accompany the hardware all the vay to the Zone. Kr. VXsner approved that he go aa trupercargo.
3* equested authority to visit all those Involved ln this operation, from Mexico to Panama, aa soon as possible after my return to Washington next veex. This vaa approved.
c. khis CWH
Original document.
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