date; 2
Chief, WHD
A TIT?: Oliverslbond from hief of Station, Guatemala
in Department of State Re Ouatemalan Situation
1* Attachedopy of an official informal confidential letter dated
2 from Mr. Edward W. Clarkopy of the attachment thereto whlohemorandum from Mr. Siracusa to 'Jr. killer (Edwardiller,ated Also attachedopy of aprepared by Mr. John Calvin Rill,r. Hill is Second Secretary of the Embassy, Guatemala City.
2. These came to my attentiont being thought their contents would be of interest tom taking the liberty of forwarding themave not advised anyone outside of our organizationm -doing so*
In discussing the contents of these memoranda with Mr. Hill and the ChargeMr. William L.ained the tpresaion that they both have the opinion that the Ambassador is coming around to the view that more and concrete action should be taken in order to tip the soales in this country. Although he has oa several occasions indicated his willingness to accept suggestions with regard to more concreteegret to atate that my opinion ia that he is so security conscious andhronic criticiter of every idea that members of his staff have made that lt will be virtually impossible torogram which would meet with his full
Vincent B. Ogden
Original document.
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