1. 0 yesterdayet with Dr. Julius A. Straiten, Ettcetlv* Vice President and Provost of Massachusetts InstltuU of Technology snd Dr. Max KfUtkan, Director of riefed then on the various new reports of sig'alLngs including the Ltteetcne Peso Case, the Florida Scout faster, the Utan Xotlon Pictures, etc. lso brought Dr. Slratton up to date on developments vhich had occurred since our previous discussion of the subject in August. Cr* Straiten reiterated his tarlier position that thisubject vnich nust to investijatei srd ha said that probably the test reans ofhoroughly eon?stent review of tho problem would ba through Project LLNCOLfl. Ho said, however, that in view of tie dellcato position in relation to Air Force,esult of the "Sumner Study_Foport% any acceptance of this project byatbased on Air Forceor on an independento* one of tn*'other services. He said that Alfred Hill would be tie test ran to bead the group* Ass-iaing that it night proro impractical lo pl*ec the Project ata explored oihar psssitUltlas Including Princeton end Cal Tech. Dr. Stratton felt very strongly that Cal Tech would be the better_of tha two in view of tne presence there of Rotartaen, Laurltson, ^'Spftier ton te-.poraryroaiillixsn's brotherr. Strettcn asked particularly that ve keep hln informed
Intra* Dr. Su-etton asked particularly that vo keep htn informed of the crcsrais tnat ven havlni tnis problen investigated as he ia pars:rally vary Interested as well as fully aware of the potentialmplications of toe siviation.
?. Following tbe nasttng vith Drs. Stratton andad lunch at the Faculty Club vith idoyd Eerknur and Jerrold Zachaiand briefed then on tne recent cases and our feelings regarding their implications, aarkntr, while apparently not interested inersonal part, felt Strongly teat UN saucer problem should be thercughly investigatedcientific point of view. ZacharUs did not appear to to greatly interested in the problen and cade only ene. that chirley Oulaby of Columbia University be brought into the picture. Qadstbgr took his physics dagrao at the sane tine as Zocharlas; ia now at Coluncla University, having during tho varavy scientist working on ASM. Zacharlas eug^ested Quinby becauss tha latter is probably the nost oxpert nan in the country on eagle and general chicanery.
3. Kf conclusion fron these conversations is that it vlll probably be necessary to secure the full backing of DCI In order that areview of this problen rcay to laid on. Without this backing, it
1. 0 yesterdayet with Dr. Julius A. Stratton, Executive Vice President end Provost of Massachusetts Institute of, Technology and Dr. Max Killiksn, Dlrcetor of CEH1S. riefed then on the various nev reports of sightings includlnz the Ltxeatora Base Case, the Florida Scout Xaster, thelotion Pictures, etc. lso brought Dr. Stratton up to date on developments which had occurred since oar previous discussion of the subject in August. Dr. Stratton reiterated his earlier position that thisubject ynlca nuat be investigated ard ho stld that probacly the tost items ofhoroughly ccnaiterit review of tho problea would bsProject LL'JCCLH. He said, however, that in view of the delicate position in relation to Air Force,esult of too "Swvitr Studyny acceptance of this project by iEICOLI must te basel on Air Forceor on aa icdepenieat proposal" fron one of the*"other services. He said that Alfred Hill woildc test ran to bead tte group. Ass-iring that it night prsvs impractical to pUce tee Project ata explored other possiblUtlas inciud:ng Prlncaton and Cal Tech. Dr. Stratton felt veryhat Cal "rech wauld be the totter of the two in view of tne presence there of Robertson,r.orary duty froaiLlikan's brother and
ithers. Dr. Strattonarticularly that ve keep hi'.. of the prs^rsas tnat we raks in having tnis probten invostlg.ited as
ho is parscrjdly very interested as veil as fully aware of Lha potential
I'.' danger aid implications of the situation.
Following tbe resting with Drs. Stratton and Nillikan, I
' had lunch at tbe Faculty Club witn idoyd fcerkner and Jarroldbrisfed then on the recent cases and our feelings regarding Berkner, while ecparontly not interested in takingpart, felt strongly that wo saucer proelen shouldinvestigatedcientific point of view. not appear to be greatly interested in tbo proelon and. that Snirleyof Coluabla Universityinto tne picture. Cuiaby took Ms physics degree at tbeas Zacharlas; is no* at Coluncia University, havingavy scientist working on AS**. Zacharlas suggestedtha latter is probably tho nost expert nan in theRagle and general
>. lb; conclusion fron these conversations is that it VlUnecessary to secure the full backing cf DCI in older that areview of this problem nay be laid en.his backing,probably bo impossible to secure the Air Force cooperationto necessary, particularly in the ratter of availability
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Original document.
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