Created: 6/13/1953

OCR scan of the original document, errors are possible

iieport Hp. 44

Date of Report:3

Date of Inform!3


SUBJECT: Sr. Bernndino's visit

Attachedeport, prepared by CALIGEhIs, covering Sr.visit.

Attachment "A" Is an Bngliah translationj Attachment "BB the original report in Spanish aa prepared by CALIGEHIS.

SEtuKFORD's Report No.hould be read in conjunction with this report as the two are Inter-related.


a. ttU


two o'clock In the afternoon of Thursday,h, Dr. Pe*lix W. Bernardino arrived In Tegutigalpa from 3an Salvador. The previeua day Colanel Castillo Annas was visitedersonal representative of Colanel Reberte Barrios Pefia, whose missien (unsuccessful) was to obtain Castillo Annas' signature to the "Gentlemen's Agreement-'de Caballeros).

We tried toooting that same day (Thursday) with Dr. Bernardino, but he put ue off until tha fallowing dayn tha morning. Apparently Dr. Bernardino waa hoping te hear frea Barries Pefla as te the outcome of the -Gentleman's Agreement" before he saw us. however, Barrlas Pana'shad returned te El Salvador that morning (the Uth).

Friday,h, at the appointed hour, we met with Sr. Bernardino and tha Dominican Minister te Honduras. The conversation was confined te ceanenta on the attitude eflvez ef Honduras, who had refused to see the special representative ofotifying him that Instead ho should visit the Chancery. Concerning our problems, Bernardinothe greatest reserve. For eur part, we followed suit.

That same day,h, at three in the afternoon, Dr. Bernardlna saw General Cartas. Cartas emphasized his determination to support Castillo Armas, as being the only Guatemalan who mt-rlted all his confidence.

At seven in the evening of that same daye called the Dominican Minister by phone. Ha told us that because ef previous diplomatic comeitments. Sr. Bernardine and he could not see us that night, but that they would meet with us the following day at ten In tha morning.

A half hour later the Minister did an about face and teld us that he and Sr. Bernardino would be waiting for us that very evening In the Legation, atuarter ef an hour's discussion. At the appointed hour we began our second conference with Sr. Bernardino, In the presence of the Minister. Our talk lasted until twelve that night, and from this meeting we drew the following conclusions:

A. Ihat the refusalto see Dr. Bern rain*

has been interpreted by them as hisrefusal to

ateoint operation against Guatemala, which the

is trying to organize among the Central

American countries.

lacking the support ofnot give us the equitnent which haahim previously, and which he had pronised to give.

recognising the influence which thewithbelieves that if UPCOwillore favorable pooitionadopted by theand hewe work along this line.

the only demandthatbases for maritime and aerial operationsto disembark equipment and personnel for theand develepnent of the movement.

Dr. Bernardino told us that he would leave today for Ho discuss the same matter wit?and then he would go to C ee t a( afw wnich he will return tot o inforc * f all that has occurred,

OUR PERSONAL OPINION is that Sr. Bernardino and Barrios Pens, had planned tho "Gentlemen'e Agreement'1 with the understanding that Sr. Bernardino would obtain from the Chief Executivesin the movement, the promise that they would vote in favor

of Barrioa Pefta in the conference of representatives mentioned in tho agreement, and that this conference would be called immediately by Barrios Pefla. By this maneuver, the political and military direction of the movement would be In the hands of Barries Pefta, as well as the leadership and organization of the new government.

CONCLUSION, it is our opinion that the a following the same course, aimedover direction and control of the Guatemalan movement,

and accordingly, we must not continue waiting for the help which they have promised us. This is the third tine that they have failed to comply with their promise.

Ri encia: Visits del Dr.


Attachment "Bn Report No. UU SEEKFORD


1. El dfa juevegelas dos de la tarde,eta cludad, precedents de San Salvador, el Dr. Felix W. Bernardino. El DIa anterior, el Coronel Castillo Armas recibitf la visita de un rejresentante personal del Coronel Roberto Barrios Pefta, cuya mision sebtener la firaa de un "Pacto deonforae los te*roiinos de la copia del documento cue se adjunta. La reapuesta del Coronel Castillo Armas fue concebida en los terrainos que se expresan en la copia de la nota que tarabieh se acompafla. El propio dia Jueves tratamos de conferenciar con el Dr. Bernardino, quien aplazd para el diaasreinta de la maflana nuestra entrevista con el. Deduclsos de esta actitud que el Sr. Bernardino esperaba tener antes de nuestra conferencia, infomes del Coronel Barrios Pena sobre el resultado de lante el Coronel Castillo Armas,a aceptacidn del pacto. Debemos advertir que el repre scntante de Barrios Peflal Salvador el dfa Juevesor la manana,

2. El diaa hora indicada, conferenciamos con el Sr. Bernardino cn presencia del Minietro dc au pals en Honduras.


conversacidn seomentar la actitud del Presidente de Republics Dr. Juan Manuel Calves, quien se hablaecibir tal representante especial del Generalfsirao, notificandole oue se

a Cancillerla. Enuestros asuntos guardd la mayor reserve, hosotros por nuestra parte, mantuvimos la misma conducts.

81 El propiaas tres de la tarde, se entrevistd el Dr. Bernardino con el General Carlas. El General Cartas le manifests categdricamente su decision de dar todo su apoyo al Coronel Castillo Armas, por ser la finica persona de Guatemala que

le merecia toda su confiansa.

U. as state de la noche del mismoos comunicamos por telefono con el Ministro DoovLnicano, quien nos manifesto" que por campronlsos diplomfiticos contraidos, no podfan recibirnos el Sr. Bernardino yesa noche, pero que lo harian el diaas dies de la manana. Media hora mas tarde, el propio Ministro cambiando su actitud nos hlzo saber que nos esperaban en laasedia de esa misma noche para conferenciar durante un cuarto de hora. a hora indicada iniciamos nuestra segunda conferencia con el Sr. Bernardino, en presencia del Ministro. Nuestra plAfcica se prolong^ hasta lase lae ella sacamoe las siguientes conclusiones:

la negative, delrecibir alse interprets por eiios como una negativaen una accioh conjunta contra Guatemala,bloque de palses de Centro America oue el rata de former para tal fin.

no contando con el apoyoque en t os proon? eise le solicitoueabla

reconociendo la influencia que la UP COelconsidera que mediante la gestionrepresentantes puede lograrse una decisionpartesuglrie*ndonosese sentldo.

lo que se demand*de operacionese'roas paray personal, para laesarroUo

Dr. Bernardino nos manifest^ oue saidrla el dfa de hoy

conferenciar conC obre los mi&mos

rosteriormenteV %ara entrevlstarse con el

3pars informer al

sobre el resultado de sua gestiones*

NUESTBA OPINION PERSONAL es que el Sr.arrios Pens planearon la celebraclon del "Pacto den los terminos que contiene este documento, en ol entendido que el primere obtendrla de los Gobernantes de los palsesolaborar, el conpromiso deavor del sggundo en la conferencia deue dicho pacto alude, conferencia que serfa convocada directamente por el Coronel Barrios Pefia. Mediante esta maniobra, la direccionilitar quedarfa en oanos de este, aal como largani?.aclen del nueve gobierno.

EN CONCLUSION, es nuestro criterio, quet lgue su mlsma conductscoar laontrol del movimiento sobreroves de la personal de suaer lo tanto, no'debemoa segulr esperanda que se nos de el apoyo prometido. Es <sta la tercera vez que se evade el cumplimiente do este compromise.


Original document.

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