Created: 12/8/1953

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Officenited states government

to i Assistant Director, Scientific Intelli-cnco J mOM Chief, Operations1

suojicti c,rt on Book Entitled "Flying Saucers fron Outer Space"

1. As requested, the subject book ues reviewed by ore of our eoatalta^ts with particultr referenco to possible security violetTA'e pert in the flyins saucertinsnt ce.-rents of this consultant are as follousi

book itself is highly readable, but thehighly distorted and filled with so way half-truths

and inferencessal certain that tha outhor is kno:;iaglyerpetration. Prordiwnt in the book is one AlbertChop, en Air Perce (Reserve) rVblio Infection Officer life was on duty etUtc Pentagon until recentlyo inactive tuty. iho fut.nor, Keyhoe, Mfcas extensive use of Chop's aUtensnU ard Implies that the Air Porco is deliberately concerlirj positivefroa the pcblic.

c: several tines on page 2h2 ofnowhere else. Xeybae states hereriendwitho'-'ai 'contacts', told hin about Februarythati

CIA 'pecplo' advised the Air Korea to puteoc-rt debunkinj the saucers, tell the public tho project was cnosdhan ccrry it on underground, Too Secret.

Sore of the 'intellicenced

es the devil at CIA for even sus^eslinc tho above action.

is supposed to havehesea "secret high level briefing'. There isknovlee'je of the OA panel reetinre althoughrccor.vcr.c'ations ni-Jit have been Irterproted bysaucer "believeri es 'debunking', ion that lu^oatcd hidlr-fron tho public.

TO i Assistant Dfrecter, Scientific Intelligence 3

from i Chief, CpcrallonaI

SUOjECTi t oa Poo!'. Entitled "Plyins Saucers fron Outer Space"

1. As requested, the subject book vas reviewed byof our consultants with particular refercoco to possible security vloUtiore conceiving CTA's pert in the flying saucer Investigation. Pertinent cocntntl of this consultant are as folloiia:

tself is highly readable, but thehighly distorted *nd filled with so rany hslf-truths

SOd inferencessal certain that the author is krovinglyerpatration. rVordr.cnt in the book is one AlbertChop, an Air Porce (Reserve) Public Inforration Officer who wfs en duty et tho Pentagon until recently returning to inactive duty, Tho author, Keyhoe, nslcos oxtensivo use of Chopis etator^nts ard liuplios that the Air Porce is deliberately conceclirg positivefrost the public. several tines on page plrf ofco-hero else. Sayfaoa states hereriendwith high levelold bin about


CIA 'people* advlaed the Air Forco to puteport debunking tho sr.vcera, tell tho public tho project vaa ended ard than ctrry it on underground. Top Secret. '

Sons of the 'intelligence boys' wro nad

as tha devil ot CIA for oven sugsesting tho above action.

e. "CIA la supposed toce thesodatlonasecret high level briefing*. There is no apparentf the OA panellthough the panel's'ctlons ni'Jtt have been irterpretcdanatical saucer 'believer' aa 'debunking'. Ilouever, there lies certainly noioii that su:ccsted hiding any information fron tho puulto.

rcyhoe, bavin: buil^case'interplanetsryi insists that'thohod aro refusing to givetho facts.

saw Dr. Stefanoeeeny (Chiof, USAFOI!!Croup) recently, lia vas notof anyin the Pentagon over Keyhoe'a assertions. ni-ht be wise to cheek directly with tho officer:>jor Cewcy Pournet in Current Intollli-cncc. Ms nine is t of his duties aro toreports of sightingse.

f. "Aa to the possibilityecurity breach, it is difficult, touspect that Chop heard of CIA's bain briofed tut that no leak occurred regarding7 Panel

2. It la believed that no security breach is involvedInvestigation of this book vould only S'rve to focuson an cfcvicua bit of sensational scienceisdad, therefore, that no further action reading thobe initiated by this

.. Diatribe tlani

aily Reading

Original document.

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