Created: 3/15/1954

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from : Chief of

subject:KUGOWH Operations

Anti-Guatemalan Activities





1re articles published by the Liga Anti-Comunista do Costa Rica betweenebruary4 concerning Communism in Guatemala or the OAS conference. Similar material was reported upon in reference

re local and/or non-attributed articles concerning Communism in Guatemala or in the hemisphere.

a. hroughoncern the controversy caused by the appeal of the Guatemalan legislature for tho Coata Rican legislatureote of solidarity. Attachmentsndre an open letter from the Communist front CGTC to the National Assembly demanding that tho vote of solidarity be given. It should be noted that El Dlario de Costa Rica and LaKacion utilized their headlines to clearly label the letter as Communist-inspired. La Republica which played down the story, did not label It. HURDLER saw the Director of La Republicaarch and obtained his promise to label Communist appeals as such in the future. As will be seen fromnd 1L. the motion caused considerable debate in the Assembly, primarily because of an attempt by tho opposition to discredit the majority handling of the matter, rather than because of any fundamental difference of opinion as to whether solidarity should be voted. The debates served to keep in the public eye the fact that Guatemalaommunist country,ndre reprints from La Wacion, fil Dlario and La Republica of tho text


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of the non-committal message passed by the National Assembly. n editorial from La Republica criticizes the Assembly's motion on the grounds that it shows ingratitude to the memory of Col. ARANA (who helped the PIGUERISTAS with arras and ammunition during3nd because it fails totrong stand against the heirs of his assaslns. Attachmentenial by Lie. Otto CORTES, President of the Foreign Relations Committee of the National Assembly that the motion passed was one of solidarity with Guatemala, which appeared in La Prensa Libre onebruary, Attachmentimilar denial by Gonzalo FACIO, President of the National Assembly which appeared in La Republica . February. Both these are replies to an attack on the assembly's motion by Victor VARGAS Quesada, local conservative writer, which appeared in ttl Dlarlo onebruary.

eclaration by theto Costa Rica, published In El Dlario

onebruary, that the relations between Guatemala and Nicaragua had been normalized after the Incident caused by the Guatemalan declarations onanuary. The Ambassador reiterates Nicaragua's complete innocence

s an interview withecretary of the Guatemalan Qnbessy inpublished in Prensa Libre onebruarywhich he denies that Guatemala Is Communistic.

n editorial from La4 is typical of tho lackby the local liberal elements ofproblem. The article states thatof Communist domination in Guatemalaunproven and should be studiedtate of excitement. The article goesstate that this cannot be done now because ofof the 'Jni!;ed Fruit Company questionquestion of Communism, and that theyand distinct problems. The writerGuatemala is perfectly within Its rights asnit ton to expropriate the United 7ri;lt


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Company properties, but does concode that the owners should be paid on the basisegotiated agreement. The writer also concedes that If the issue of Communist domination in Ouatemala is proven, then collective action by the other nations of the hemisphere would be ln order and could not bo termed Intervention. Unfortunately, prejudice against the United Fruit Company is so great among Costa Rican liberals, that they are unable to see that the action of the Guatemalan government In tho United Fruit Company case Is the result of Communist agitation. They themselves have thus far insisted that Costa Rica should settle its differences with United Fruit In on orderly and logal fashion, but appear to sympathise with the proceedures adopted In Guatemala utilizing the old rule of the end justifying the noans.

2q.eprint from an articlein CEUAGE, 3tatlng that Costa Rlca.haswith Guatemala, and has become that Communist

.state's first satellite. This article was reprinted in El Claris on Iq February. It Is needless to say St th's tvpe of reckless accusation (believed by

jto be unfounded on the basis of present idencej merely Injuresocal prestige.

eprint from Excelsior ofarticle which appeared in La Nan'on on Ikarticle states that Guatemala has becone a

s an article by Marshallcorrespondent who was recently expelleddenouncing that government, apply economic sanctions.

ndre statements by thewhich appeared in La Horatates that the Guatemalan government will,of intervention against. at the Ths other claims that the Costadid announce its solidarity with the

tory inspiredRDLF.Rthat the recent outcropping ofchecks in Costa Rica and neighboring countries




might have its origins in official Guatemalan banking circles. This accusation Is not true since subsequent investigation determined that the counterfeit checksbeing produced in Colombia.

j. Attachmentews story from La Hora onebruary, In which Bolivian Vice President Hernan SILES Suazo declared his solidarity with the Guatemalan regime, apparently in answerequest similar to the one received by the Costa Rican Assembly.

k. Attachments an editorial from Prensa Libre ofebruary commenting favorably on the Speech of Assistant Secretary of State CABOT in which he stated that while. is concerned over Guatemala, it will continue to respect national sovereignty.

1. Attachmentsndre twoeries ofentitled "AmenazaasJoseph U. HINSHAW, which were publishod in4 andebruary.

m. Attachments the text of the speech made by Ismael GONZALEZ Arevalo, the new Guatemalan Ambassador to Costa Hlca upon presentation of his credentials, published in La Nacion on

n. Attachmentrensa Libre story datedebruary citing Guatemalan government Interference with the entry Into that country of foreign priests.


s an interview published in the Dlario onebruary in which Foreign Minister TORI Fit6 denies that Guatemalaommunist government.

n article by Rubeneader of tne non-Communist Union de Trabajadores de Guatemala, accusing the government of resorting to violence and repression, was printed in La Nacion onebruary.

Attachmenteprint of an article from El Mercurio of Santiago, chile, which outlines the growth and Influence of tpe Guatemalan Communist Party. The article appoared in tho Mario

Attachments an article from La Republicaarch seating tnat the Alianza do Mujeres Costarrlcenses hadreeting to the new Guatemalan /mbassador and to his country.


s. Attachment liO is on srticlo from Prenpa Mbroarch consistins of an Interview wicn Sidney GHUSON, New York Times correspondent who was recently oxpellod from Guatemala. As Is to bo expected, GRUSON Is most antl-Guatemalan.

t. Attaclunont ljl is on editorial frombro,

8 March, praising. onti-Communist resolution and lamenting the opposition of Guatemala. Of interest is tho statement that non-intervention should be set aside ln case of Communist interventionemisphere country.

u. Attachments a/ statement by Marshall BAtfrlLLL that foreign Communists are constantly arriving in Guatemala secretly. The article appeared ln La Kaclon

v. s on article originating In Guatomala which appeared in hi Diario onarch. The article ststes that ox-President AREVALO was lying when he stated in Bolivia that only one Guatemalan cablnot ministerommunist.

w. Attaclunontoonslstsumber of press sorvico releases on tho political situation In Guatomolo which appeared in the local newspapers.

> consistsumber of articles of local orfein concerning the problem of Costa Rican attendance at the OAS conference. The difference of opinion was generally along political lines, with tho conservative supporting attendance and tho FIGUEHISTAS opposing it. Generally speaking both groups support any neosures to be taken by the conference against Cormunism, although there ls at least as much interest ln obtaining action against colonialism and economic concessions The Piguerlstss aro also hopeful that some action may be taken against the dictatorships.

n odltorlal from La Republlca,obruary, speculates whether the roplacomentslstant Secretary of State for Latin American Affairs John Moors Cabot, is not an Indication of official displeasure with his handling of tho ^arweas problem whero. may be faced with tho complex problems of colonialism and economic demands.

Attachmentan editorial Prom La Hepubllca,ebrunry, by Slario GARCIA Arocha, sarcastically predicts the failure of the ME conference primarily on the economic question. Tho writerenezuelan oxilo and Acclon Democratica member.




Attachmentnother editorial by GARCIA Arocha, published *n Republica onarch concerns the problem of the conference'a solution of the Communist throat. GARCIA declares that repression is atoor measure, and that the only way to eliminate the threat of Ccmraunisja, Is by improving tho standard of living of the massos. He states that the OAS conference, howevor, will not try to effect the latter solution but will "maintain the status quo" which Is made up mostly of feudal and tyranous governments which permit foreign capital to exploit their peoples.

Attachmentonsistsumber of press service releases printed in local papers covering the conference.

Attachmenteprint of an article from Patria Nueva of El Salvador published by La Horaarch. The articlo insinuates that Costa Rica is supporting tho Guatemalan

Attachmentonsistsumbor of articles published locally concerning the charges made against Costa Rica by tho Dominican Republic that tho former isase_for

found no evidence to support these charges, union are believed to have been based on information provided the Dominican Government. newspaporman Stanley ROSS. As you know, ROSSoputotion for fabrication.

ndre editorials from Lo Republicsandobruory, expressing complete sympathy forCo'j.iunist government of that colony andimperialism. In both articles the hope istho OAS conference will tako sone actionand presumably to reinstate the Communists

in office in British Guiana.

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4 Hist: llos

ittachmonto an article from La Hora ofcbruary on the interview glvon by Gonzolo PACIO to tho Salvadoran paper, iriario de Hoy. ACIO reportodly stated that it is suicide for the Latin American countries to place their reserves at the disposal of. economy and not at their own disposal for the purpose of developing their nationul economics.

Attachments an article from La Republica ofebruary announcing the protest of the jomnur.istlianxa de Mujeres Coaturricenses against the project5%iilltary pact between the United States and Nicaragua. As usual, this article was published without indicating that the protest emanatedommunist group.

Original document.

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