Created: 3/2/1954

OCR scan of the original document, errors are possible

Alp Pouch





Botes for Tranosittal to Trances R. HKIARTT

attached iierlle notesfor transsdttol to Franoeaand Top hia etudy. They ahould be returned to the Stationperusal.

la important that SUrllog D. PRIBCEP fasdliarise Mjooalf with

tho content* of the ootee and also bring them to Stephen R. LXTON's attention.


- Washington

- Uflcca


2* till* la to lofora you of oertala gansrel davelopaante iaof raaBsgaibUlty. Aa youaa th* solitarysW- baa tba rwauonelblliv for your area of action. Aooordlngand* ancho and ua. yea and yourluppoaed to supply tb* details of the pi PpafjaaM budget prior to 1obvious reeaene, you yourself oould aot aaot thla schedule. Whatncv, hovoTer, la that PttuoUo baa coo* right ahead and eubnittedbudget* without ooaenltlngThlaoaathlng

vary closereach of the Agriaawite.

Joe* la arriving shortly to diaouaa tola end otherPoncho, la the oourse of the discussion* Juan Jose will pot at outvlll speak to you, sa tbe representative ofin th* field,


obtain your budget racceaoadeUoiia for

j end tha Group han finalise th*

Jos* will went to know free you, when you aauceollowing:

by nsna of eraployeo aod function.

of rental of build! Coat of eruipMot.

of priotinC.

of BOilioc.

fof tend distribution.

of other type diatrlhutlon. (auto type}

of travel* (where and by when]

of other function*, (indicate type*}.

4* It la therefore lsportiot that yoa loltleU aa aeon aa poealhl* dlsoaseiooa with the peopl* with whoa you ere working, in order to ascertain their oeod*. Cooduot your dismission* with Uot, but cuiaUy give thanation that you are prof nasi anally reriowiac their needs. Indicate that you have en open bind as to whether thay ahould gat wore or lea* than feaoho requseLsdheir behalf. IndicaU also, vary discreetly, that you ere doing thia with an eye to laoralag J

'j. Upon receipt, ofXtfeneaantioufl, Juan Jose will bring than to us. Ths funds finally alloted will Us given to you for passage In tho oaoe of j (and to tha extant diplomatically noooooory, In the osne of rtaonoj. as Juan Joae vill explain to you, In the meanwhile you aay drew euoh fundsnorts-rue basis as are noceaaary to sustain the operationudgetary deteralnatloa Is arrived at*

6. We appreciate that, the foregoing pompier of prctJena nay create certain personal difficulty on for you. We know of your capacity to exorcise tha msxlraai tact, to/ever, as you will understand, this issue oust bo resolved If we aro to nalntoln any aort of control. Ion are to leave the burden of tho problem of control to Juan Jose, but you oust be prepared In your own sphero to elicit the necessary infora&tlon and to anke the necessary reconraondatlons that will clve you, in tho eyes of the people with whom you aro worklnc, the authority that toes with your function.

Original document.

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