Created: 4/13/1954

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ProgressBSDCCESS for the24


I. Operational

The following events of operational significance occurred during1 the reporting periodi

T. J

uneonfiraad report froa Guatemala Indicates tbatuatemalanas ordered to exileostensibly going to Czechoslovakiaovernment or COTOto study syadlcal organisation. Hornpril notedestablishment of diplomatic relations betweenCseohoslovakla. Although no confirmation is available tole possible tbat tbe appointment of PELLECER to the missionplaces him in exile and onda the conflictand Alfooeo KKTTTTKTZ, head of the OttetesttlanDepartment.

Enrique DIAZ, Chief of tbe Guatemalan Armed Foreea,Guatemalapril for Panama, Colombia. Ecuador andreportedly vlll attempt to secure arms and aonunltion inmay attempt to establish diplomatic relations betweenroru.

a recent regulation in OuateoalA extends the validitycards to six months. ** nwhis employment withrwmaln In Caiatewil' c . ho"feasibility of this move and tbowill be discussed wlthf [prior to U

7 April the Cose Officer and Administrative Officer forto Tfev Torkeeting with Jacob R. SEEJTORD toand firm up details of. v- van



r> iB "heduled to dapart Lincoln on4

Tor Guatemala, travelling vU Sew Orleans.

assistantrogram, la oobedoled to arrive

lnbuawiraala under tourist oover the weekend ofpril. Through the efferte of General CABELL, PBSOCCESS has eeeured the services

to participate in tins epeoial operation

0. On Saturday,eeting was held with Aselstantof State BOLLARD, General CABELL, and key members of the Departnent of State end CU Involved In PBSDCCESS. The principal reason for holding the meeting was to assure tbe new Assistantthet no irrevocable steps would be taken which would reveal the official hand of tha United States in PBSDCCESS. Details of this meeting aro contained in the ninutos of the meeting.

R. Although Hr. HOLLAND, Assistant Secretary of State, was assured onpril that black flights into Honduras would not ba undertaken until be had had tine to further etady thelack flight into Rondureg did take place on Sunday, For reasons which have not been satisfactorilyeedquartersspecifically forbidding black flight* until further notice was couriternanded In the field, and the night took place. This natter la currently under Investigation.

X. Indications haveeelved froa field stations that tbo abortive attempt against President SOHEA of Nicaragua during the weekpril wereuateeela. Captured doctuaonta indicate that the aen participating in the revolt, although they cans fron Costa Rica, vere trained and armed in Guatemala. This matter la being checked by WHD and ths Dorertment of State In view ofa brief to be presented to tho Organisation of Amerioan States.

K. Significant TP activities undertaken during the reporting period are as followst

^reparationift of documents of poeclble use in "black" IV campelgna.

Therumor ie being circulated In Guatemala. Jhas been ordered to carry through with their section of thedesigned to ridicule Quatesala and create friction between OuatemaJa and Mexico.

3. On Headquarters' ordersa hand-

bill against AREVALO, andable to tbe Chilean Foreign Minister end to President AJnOG Proteetlng the GuatemalanIn Chilean internal affaire through their ambassador In Chile. lack poayter was prepared designed to further link tbe Guatemalan Ambassador In Chile to the looal Coawamist Party.

1. Headquarters, In support ofLincoln oharaoter assassinationign, ordered eotlone on tbe part

Headquartera cuggested that the immediate initiation of" esjcpnlgn in Guatesnle voold serveorale builder. This campaign wes initiated by Lincoln.

ReadTuartarB nrepared radio ecrlpta targeted at Guatemalan woman.

Pour articles Cere placed In the Quito, Ecuador, press against Qua V* mala.

All key wh Stations were alerted aa to tba possibilitynew Guatemalan plot" expose by the Guatemalan GoTwmaent.

Headquarters suggested tbat an internal gossipy newsletter oould ba effectively circulated within Guatemala andewsletter filled with "shorts" would be more effective in getting Calllgerisin UH-wide press than that already being sent to tha hemispheric preae.

Agency-enpTortod hemisphere snti-Cc^nmnrlstfor lateKey in Mexico Cityroupa. but will endeavor to attract raturo dele^teawhocally end socially Influential in their own countries.

Administrative Support A. Personnel

be bobimed to tbe Guetsmala ant<on-

tlouse toerious one. Tho station In Guatemala haaadditional clorlcal personnel, one operatIonn officer, andtechnician. This matter Is being pursued withwill ba discussed further thia morning


B. Logistics

Test results made in the field on contaminated rations Indicate that0otal0 units are unfit for use.

* Wtfl rem i

Hoverer, tho Chief ofha Aa^diiitrtratir* Officer, mOCCSSS, on Kondnr,pril, that he hadto conducted by the FoodDrug Administration, and thee* result* indicate that tne rations or* fit for human oonsnarptios. This Batter has not been finally settled alnoe tbe Medical Officer ha* not indicated that be agrees with th* teat* eondooted to date.

Jtoob D, Eaterllno

Original document.

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