Created: 5/2/1954

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f I.







BTtpril lfA J- It la MiiMtM that j

of little or nond lieaid ant at UBCOU Ukee tap rwclwu tine. It la realised that SHIRW. la dapendeatiscellaneous collection of lafomants, anew of who* have aooeea to high lorol information, aod that Kti"activities an lilted for the moat part to the proomof paper* which pan throuah bis of floe. It la believed that an effort should beto tall these agents in specific taraa exactly what we want and what wa have oa oac for.

8. With reepset ta the latter, copies af amaapnae andatntliai aaa erf UMi valna oalaas they provies)laaaa af

a treat deal af uraaaoeeearr effort wattixed

list of subjects In aaoh report. Ifas happened, where Is no reason to aay so. ba ohoald bo told exactly what wa are Interested In, and be should deviate all hia efforts toward obtain! lafomatien on thaas Subjvota. If he has no Inforetatian of valna to send, ha eho--ldummary af has operational activltlae or his plana and af forts to develop new informants whove the aaterlal required, do not bave aaao^ata details rasardin* the exeat nature Of bin operations. In each report ba sboald etata the oaaae af als laferaaata end bow and froa whoa the infermartlan waseam. Of sum as, aa ensrah aaterlal, hut thaee should ba earefslly labelled as sneo.

3. as far asSk Ls oonoerood be, also, should ha directed by GtTVOU regarding tha type of information which we desire. The reference axs-patehairly repreaantetlva Hat of tha subjects on which vi nood am last reparte. This inforaotioo la vital to the favorable eenclaaloo of FffWCCESa,vatioaa alone thaee line* would be immediately preparedSesioa to FKTBGU and of aourve, wa are always imteraeted in any information which will earn as evidence of ooonactLona beteman the gerannmt


and the Coanuaists. It should ba pointed oat that the nort important Material cororing Cemwtunlet plane and activities will be obtained from nectlccs of pert,

U, Tho station's Idoeo on tola project are racroestad. What typo of inforjwtion is SHIHGLEosition to obtain? what are hie contacts and principalfo information? what is your opinion and that of CftLLIGERTS

oonoorrtlng his reliability? In copclnolon, it is etreesed once again that these agents should not bemply to tholr own deviceo. They most be told specifically and repeatedly exactly what wo want to find out. At present, it would appear that they are not worth tho effort expended on thorn, bat It io believed that they should behance to obtain the Information



C. DtfNBAft

Original document.

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