Created: 6/27/1954

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Vorkom, peasants patriots* Guatemala la goingardruel vnr against Ouatemala haa been unleashed, the United Fruit Company not ItS monopolies, together with OS ruling circlaa are responsible for Hercenariaa have unleashed fire and death, raapaetlng nothing. We all know how oltlea have been boabsd and strafed, woman and children hare aiffared. Wa know howf workera and peaaanta hare been murdered in occupied cities, especially in Bananara. That was anof Twngeance by the united Fruit Company. We are Indignant over tha cowardly attack by mercenary US fliers. They know Guatemala has no adequate air force ao they try to boh panic. They bonb and strafe our feroes preventing oparatlona. Today theyhlp taking on cotton In San Jose. In tha name of what do they do these things? Ve all know what. They have taken the pretext of Tha truth la elsewherein finanolal Interests of the United Fruit Company and other US firma that have invested much In Ouatemala. Time will show If what they eay la troo, but there are those who claim that Ouatemalahe eause of what happens, hy Ooveinmsnt has bean aalled Oamwunjst In nature. Wa have used every meene to convince world raaotionariea that what US Government circlaa aay is untrue. After thinking Itavereat declaion of great importance for our country. ave decided to quite power, turn the executive over to Carlos Enrique Diss, Chief of the Armed Forces. All social conquest will ba kept. elieve that democratic political organisatlona and all other popular

organizations should give h'm full rupoort. sk this as my lart act as governing man. ava had to fight in very diTicult conditions. Tha sovereigntyation la not maintained without material elements for defense. n thinking only of the people. hink It la my duty to contribute to aave what we havo gained. Tbe military aituatlon la not difficult* not at all. The enemy commanding barbarous mercenaries It Incompetent, cowardly. Ve hava eean this In the few battles foucht. Tha enemy took Chlquimola only by airook preeldenoy aiUj great faith In tha democratic eye tern, In freedom, in the Idea that eoonomlc Independence could be wen. till believe the program la fair. My faith in democratic freedom. In the Independence of Qua tanala

haa not been lost. /WqtxwwwM tha enemy forces wle defeated. mombatant of freedom and prograaa for my country. ay goodbye with sorrow, but firm In my convictions. These years of sacrifice and fight and tbe arguments of the enemy have noT'deteated ma. Rather the material elements he has far destnatlon. Onleea we do away with our powerful enemies' pretest Oua'emala might be destroyed. hank deeply for their collaboration the many good serritora of tha nationtha officials, publia smploysss and eapeoially tha Civil Ouard andhink you from my heart for tha support of PAR, PRO, PRK, POT, popular organisations like COTO and CNCO. Thoy havo defended tha wlahes of the people. In myo notmistake. Only the future can say. Let peaoe be roatored. Let the gains be kept, with tha aatlsfaetlon of having done aymy long live the October Revolution! Long Live

Arbena declared -Dmb within ayo notalstaka. Tha day sill ooaa when1 ba triuaph for loyal Ouatonal ana under Col coal Diss."

After thisgnition announoenent. It was announoed that the Ou atonal an Constitution had been auapanded.

Original document.

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