Created: 6/27/1954

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Items of Possible News Value

Radio Liberation is broadcasting an ultimatum to Diaz to eliminate communism and join the forces of Castillo Armas.

Col. Carlos Aldsna Sandoval, who onune had been offered

a field command by Arbens, took refugeune in the Salvadoran Embassy.

une Arbene tried torivate trucks His intended use of the vehicles is not known.

It. There are reports that Fortuny,ier re* and Pollecer who are among the raoro prominent Coanunlat leaders have been arrested by tho military. As ofune the Guatemalan army had only radio communication with their units in Puerto Barrios.

A report was receivedune to the effect that President Arbenz had held no cabinet meetings sinceune. Arbenz was remaining in the presidential residence and not going to the palace.

A reliable eye witness reported that onune the church of Ln Mercedes had not been damaged. This report Is in direct conflict with the AP report ofune which quoted Guatemalan diplomats at the United Nations and Mexico City as saying it had been destroyed by bombing. The evening ofeport was received to the effect that La Aurora Airfield and the Guardla de Honor had been evacuated. The Hatamoroo base was in process of evacuationesult of tbe bombing. roops from the above-mentioned units were still reported at the capital as of that date. Total government forces in tbe field were estimated at0 man.

une In Ouatemalaivilian group headed by Gacsr Ubico and Lie. Gontales Slgul were trying to0 signaturesetition asking the army to take over from President Arbent.

It was reported that Preaident Arbens onuno eentircular ordering tho execution of ten anti-Communists for every bomb dropped on any city.

A report was received0 hoursune to the effect thatnti-Communist prisoners had boon executed In Guatemala City.

A report received during the afternoon ofune gave tho strength of the regular Army In Guatemala City as followsi egular soldiersoorly-trained reservists.

Government troops defending Puerto Barrios wero estimateden Including artillery and AA unita as ofune

Original document.

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