Created: 8/24/1954

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for the Record (Attached)

with Ambassador Whelm,ugust lygli

1. The actions In reference emao hare all bean token, t_ C- ^havs coBblaed In rough draft the finding* of oaranaoahla reply recelTad fro* c_ poolfloally toaas asked to ooaa ap and. tha

ueenlook after bin.

2. After reeding the c- o not cone lode that we are morally bound by-any apecuto oomraltmenta to Q_ ando not follow C- arguaento In thia direction, alk with hla will rereai cuav anre passed than as sag to be reflected In the oafclea ifhan olearly.

3* are tharafara adrlaed Kay Leddyo oat find anything to eonrlnee mm that me are specifically bound and hare told hla that yon will contact hla on August JO in order to carry on thia conversation with hla and tehelan. Hy guana la that It la probably to em* *hentage not to stir this one up. The Department la standing ttra on C hink it would be to our real disadvantage could it be said thatwe bad done has weakened thia country's abilityend on the line now being taken b;

atlWERT^ ircraft Negotiation!

lio original understanding betweens to dinpositlon ofaircraft at the conclusion of PBSIKCESS was thai Q_ 3had been purcahsed by SKIM-IR througl C ho acted as

a front nan. On J, July Headquprters ino Lincoln atatod thatobligation tothree,r equivalent"

nt on to state tha* ight be encouragoil tokeepwhich would then be given tohis viewhich stated that "SKEWER will uso its Mxlnua influence

to' procure additional fighter-aircraftulynstructed Lincoln to "advisf f e his requestthatuggestIf he reallyls

best to aake overt approach. Then observe toyour personal opinion that there

are entiroly too nony runors as top* intended move againsto sake it likely that he will be given aircraft." Thia information was sent tc L n6 which stated that the station's pooition sliould be that: whilt pproach for purchase of aircraft would be supported to maxinun oxent possible by SKIWKR, bowover,ersonal opinion it should bo pointed out that C, 3

night be unablo to obtain sale of aircraft since there wore many rumors that PHPRIKE was worried about his Intended cove against LCPANGS and if Imxx true, HKIWffiR could do nothingHPR1VE refusal to sell aircraft to his).

2. ttaitluly the situation reaained as above vithf3 3toin hla possession to CALLIGERIS until he was assured of obtaining

o replace then. Hwmi, by that 1intr hirfrna Vni ^niy ntfliflCing tha Ynn hand, hill ofnp; r, nfPt1 An ' wulduish. Uy 10 August he was trying to negotiate the purchase KTX1X

of twenty-fiveasked SKIMS* to persuade the^

Ambassador in Washington that he should advise hia governmuntermit the sale.

stated onugust that SKIMTS's ixral obligation

q o

lo assistin acquiring/some ofils hoto puroheiie

stems from promises *ndo tc ^in the following LTHC cables:

It would from an analysis of these particular cables that the first three wore very encouraging V- ^ln pledging "all possibleby SKIWEa, but thet the last cableomploU reversal Insofar as SKUMIR's views on the possibility of obtaining aircraft vaa concerned. This change was based on the known fact of ODTOKE concernEMFUJSH-LCPiffiS situation, which SKIWER would have no ability to alter. In thia eonneetion, It is suggested thatnd6 bo analysed further to nee whether there is any any important alteration In the spirit ofs It was relayed tc 3

4. It is the writer's opinionvhb tO vrn^ijafflSe. warninguly in

hat any attempt to purchase aircraft might be Jeopardised by ODTOKE feari as to his intentions twward LCPAWJS. It is also apparent that up until that noment 4he was givon no reason to doubt thet SKIHffiR won entirely convinced QUI he would be able to get1 aircraftirod merely by making formal application through normal channels.

ttached for your information is are sections from pertinent cablos concerning this totter.


2 to SHER

Airinvolved inc:




CoohhdCoaarwi HO

Looses haves, one at Somorsot orash landing plusond otJier bst'lo casualty crashed at Chjouimula.

Throe ofs were purchased froe Q_ with understanding should be returned to hia when no longer nooded. Sine true

s and urchased by SYNCARP.

aken by SYHCARP followingolgado tJtlo with understanding should beno longer noeded.

a only loaned to project aadno obligations re other disposition involved.

a and one7 turned overndunned over UC 3

with assurance moreor equivalent will bo deliver, by SYtCARP. Give. Q tl|ers to original ovnors.

Ploaso nond coiaz^nts.

If agreo, iiulhtrlty hereby given to coaplete all arrange-wants as soon as LlfC adr'.ses no longer any need hold


agreement withC. 3follows: SYBCARP buy, through

7_AvJ-a s.s to be eturn

ass support and7 in eahangeti.

8 blown and does not want it. Ha would like the loiiowlng

givens plus spareands withs plusfor C, 3 or,

CALLiucmos snC, sends pare

a leave SOMERSET until replacementrrive.

- urther requests that SYNCARP assist him in obtaining Omuiu approval for hlb* to purchase from ODYOKE sewns and adequate spare parts and maintenance equiroent.

3not want under any conditions two difference types only train pilots and maintain one typel


Turn over threea plus7 to C 3

7 must be returned to FJHOPEFCL soonest.

Turn ondition he give on

behalf of CALLIGERIS immediately.

urn over to7 he now nsing.



s left with hin8 which

the British ship.

3 to SHERL,Following represents firm position of Hqs cn entire subject SW

o LIHC B are oblieated to giveC s.uly54 Cen we tel.C- hat SYNCARP will give hiti one7 when CALLIOiailS picks up his two?

6 to SHER

4ef) asmn C hat when and if

CALLIGERIS picks ups SKIWER will meet its obligations by providingiew of situetion7 spares etc our recommendation t. Q ould be for him to concentrate onSl's through nuriuu. ODYOKE channels who would be receptive to such an.


3lDto proposals. Ho vouia8 aa soon as CALI-TGKRTS settleds in Guatemaland7 after all danger of overthrow is rest. C.tho)ut he would1 If he con fjwt.s. C_ ould like SYfCARP's political help in buying additional lignior aircraft from ODACIP.

Recomnended roply tos fo'lowsj

rocognlzea obligation to leave Q -J eos or equivalent.


If satisfactory to CALLIGERIS, wo will settle for disposition of threes tc C ALLIGERIS. These aircrafto immediately operaiwiisl.

will give maxima help toC- n procuringairdraft overtly from Pbrn.rt..

s are ocarce and spares are evenand that it nay be visor for hir to procuretos.

o SHER Jf July 54

deal solution to aircraft problem nay bo foiCI os froa ED PBPRIME ands and spares to9J

uiyKIMMER will use its onxlmua Influence to hel> C_rocure additionalvertly froa ODYOKE. Encourage hia to switchispose ofs by sale to CAIXIGERIS atow

Q lso doslms SEIMKER assist hi'm in acquiring seven with spare parts soonest either cvortly or coveotly. Hefor these and make own arrangement to sealwith spare parts to CALLIGKRJS. However, he doesa until he hads to replace

dvisefollow tos.

ulyo SJUU

approach to ODTOKEs should be

througnasoassador to ODACID Just as procurement7 was handled. Previous assurances of naxireua SKIMpER equosts should sake it obvious that

requesv will redoive expeditious and almost certain favpro consideration.

scarce rsbax and parts almost unobtainable,


1 to DIR

9 JulyLIH8 stron*concurs with 3 desiress and aubBequ

s to'CALLIGERIS cno urges all possible KUBARK effort to insure favorable decision on KHPIfSH request to OBACID and expeditious delivery of aircraft.

s expansion of above virus, following Fubmittod for your consideration:

relations with f_ nd KMFLUSli supporthave emphatically pointedCommunism, -1

as authorl'-ed by Hqs has aide definiteboth C_ d CALLIGERIS re help oo air supportno orrlcially ODTOKE conaittaents mist beas such and fulfilled if any futuretin American dealings aro to havefoundations.

ouly 54

equests that covert cost difficult lo repeat in view questions being asked c* this

about "covert"s, but that you will look

into matter in spirit of xzxxa provious understanding. FYlS Bo action will be taken byo acquire.

that If he reallvs aa bestovert approach. Then obsorvo tc CL our oersonalthere aro entirely too nuny rumors as Vgainst LCPANGS to make it likely be win oo given aircraft.

#6 tcC 3

9 JulySupplementingofour position J

shou?'* he;

approaoh for purchase aircraft will be supported to

maximum extent possible by

should however, glwe as personal opinione unable obtain sale aircraft since many macroworried abou' ntended move against

should pointt if true PBPRIMB refusal to sellabout whiciTSKIWER can do nothing.

Zi Same point will be made to KKFLUSH ambassador bytherefore your position ir^lude abovo personalavoid any possible inference that aircraft


to MR

17immediately through his ambassador for

"ii XBKniiqex receipt of airpl* nou or definite assurance from ODACIU that he can purchase them he wills to CALLIGERIS.

o dir

lu niuBt 54

3purchaoo of3 togrth

sufficient spare partsours and necessaryfor maintenance. Purchase priceequests SKIMMER assist inL_ Jambassador in Washington to advise hispermit sale. wore that present tension withfor attitudeand promises

will not be used for aggroaaivo purposes.

leavingattempt toana arragne transportation of planes.

possible MAGOFFIN belioves SStSR should give assist to

for following reasons:

as yet to violate his vorfl once given.

b. Due to generally assumed relationship between nd CALLIGERIS, presence of planes in KM7LUSH could be strong deterrent to any attompt to overthrow CALLIGERIS.

o. MAGOFFIN belioves SKIMMER has coral obligation to give

Cssistance in acquiring some planes although not this number in view of promises made before closing out PBS0CCE3S

oC 3

ugofctFII:onlyeels that because of current tensions In area

and truculent attitude off"o should give no rcsltlve assist towqrd hla acquisition of anturial which would undoubtedly be utilisedhreat against LCPANGS.

In lightoregoing policy best availnblo SKIMMER reply

disnosos of no appropriate possibility intervention ambassador Washington

b. In view, however, SKIMMER's esteem and regard for LL-

It will, wiUaaaxx without much hope of success, look into matter.

FTI only it is most uaMlxoly thai SKIMMER can in forseeable future affect pious expression abovy para 2b

le) Refequest you pouch review of

"promioofl" Including -your aTrrociutadn of problem you face and any rocommendations youNhairax may have. This connoetion know you understand tiat SKIMMER c riendship is an asset KUBARK desires preecrvo insofar reasonably possible.

o C 3

ugustIn meeting ODACID/KUBARK, your ambassador referred to

rof CL- 3 prdaisos and recommended thatdone to as:;is' cT 3 lthough ODACID policy remainsincrease C- air power at this tune, it wasmsl'er In light refs peet

C 6 to DIR

siontain HqaC instruction ro future acquis! t:

of pianos b'C- at lis rromise madeG0KFIM 3 not angry nor belligerent over failure of SKIM SK to proauce as he realizes reason: However, he is hurt that he has been shown no store consideration than he had been given him in view of aidrendered.

qs conferenceAGOFFIN most deal-able- as it will convinc< JSKIMeR still interested in hi* even if nothing more occompusned. Also ofeviow ontire PBSUCCESS and KKFLUSH -LCI/.NGS relationships.


^hese Objectives best served by following specific s'eps:

s plus7 should remain

ossession. Thes would be planes with least ovidence oatue dasnge.

twohould be held fordelivery to CALLIGERIS

such delivery, CALLIGERIS

3 thould be assured that if at later datend replacee will be ableso.


SUBJECTifjlKIMKER Aircraft Negotiations IP

The 'fapaper on tills subject recapitulating the traffic am wai submitted in rough draft. "A onugusto in turn used the paper astechnentere directed. King dictated onugust.

c 3

Original document.

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