Dodge Avenger, Dodge Caliber, Dodge Caravan/Grand Caravan FWD
Dealer address:
phone: 3639300
| New car | Old car |
Model | Dodge Avenger |
Dodge Caravan C/V/Grand Caravan 2WD |
Drive train and engine | 2.4L, 4 cyl, Automatic 4-spd, FWD, Regular |
3.3L, 6 cyl, Automatic 4-spd, FWD, (FFS), Regular |
Price | $21,255 |
$3,500 |
Model year | 2009 |
1994 |
Combined fuel economy | 24 mpg |
18 mpg |
VIN | 1B3LC46B49N |
1B4GH54R9RX219456 |
Odometer reading | ------- |
278601 |
Vehicle category | Passenger Car |
Category 1 Truck |
Transaction date: Jul. 31, 2009
Disposal status: CRUSH / SHRED FACILITY
Disposal facility contact information: pick up city 131 middletown rd fairmont wv 26554
Sales type: PURCHASED
| New car | Old car |
Model | Dodge Avenger |
Jeep Grand Cherokee 4WD |
Drive train and engine | 2.4L, 4 cyl, Automatic 4-spd, FWD, Regular |
4.7L, 8 cyl, Automatic 4-spd, 4WD, Regular |
Price | $21,255 |
$3,500 |
Model year | 2009 |
1999 |
Combined fuel economy | 24 mpg |
15 mpg |
VIN | 1B3LC46B39N |
1J4GW68N3XC739057 |
Odometer reading | ------- |
145000 |
Vehicle category | Passenger Car |
Category 1 Truck |
Transaction date: Jul. 29, 2009
Disposal status: CRUSH / SHRED FACILITY
Disposal facility contact information: pick up city fairmont wv 26554
Sales type: PURCHASED
| New car | Old car |
Model | Dodge Avenger |
Ford Windstar FWD Van |
Drive train and engine | 2.4L, 4 cyl, Automatic 4-spd, FWD, Regular |
3.8L, 6 cyl, Automatic 4-spd, FWD, Regular |
Price | $21,480 |
$3,500 |
Model year | 2009 |
1999 |
Combined fuel economy | 24 mpg |
18 mpg |
VIN | 1B3LC46B19N |
2FMZA5149XBC34953 |
Odometer reading | ------- |
255054 |
Vehicle category | Passenger Car |
Category 1 Truck |
Transaction date: Jul. 31, 2009
Disposal status: CRUSH / SHRED FACILITY
Disposal facility contact information: pick up city 131 middletown rd farimont wv 26554
Sales type: PURCHASED
| New car | Old car |
Model | Dodge Caliber |
Dodge Caravan/Grand Caravan 2WD |
Drive train and engine | 2L, 4 cyl, Automatic (variable gear ratios), FWD, Regular |
3.3L, 6 cyl, Automatic 4-spd, FWD, Regular |
Price | $20,585 |
$3,500 |
Model year | 2009 |
1999 |
Combined fuel economy | 24 mpg |
18 mpg |
VIN | 1B3HB48A29D |
2B4FP253XXR194182 |
Odometer reading | ------- |
135430 |
Vehicle category | Passenger Car |
Category 1 Truck |
Transaction date: Jul. 28, 2009
Disposal status: CRUSH / SHRED FACILITY
Disposal facility contact information: pick up city fairmont wv 26554
Sales type: PURCHASED
| New car | Old car |
Model | Dodge Caravan/Grand Caravan FWD |
Chevrolet G10/20 Van 2WD (cargo) |
Drive train and engine | 3.3L, 6 cyl, Automatic 4-spd, FWD, GAS 380, Gasoline or E85 |
5.7L, 8 cyl, Automatic 4-spd, RWD, (350 V8), Regular |
Price | $27,045 |
$4,500 |
Model year | 2009 |
1995 |
Combined fuel economy | 19 mpg |
12 mpg |
VIN | 2D8HN44E99R |
1GCEG25Z2SF235018 |
Odometer reading | ------- |
133745 |
Vehicle category | Category 1 Truck |
Category 1 Truck |
Transaction date: Aug. 08, 2009
Disposal status: CRUSH / SHRED FACILITY
Disposal facility contact information: pick up city 131 middletown rd fairmont wv 26554
Sales type: PURCHASED
| New car | Old car |
Model | Dodge Caravan/Grand Caravan FWD |
Chevrolet Astro AWD (cargo) |
Drive train and engine | 4L, 6 cyl, Automatic 6-spd, FWD, Regular |
4.3L, 6 cyl, Automatic 4-spd, 4WD, (FFS) (MPFI), Premium |
Price | $34,895 |
$3,500 |
Model year | 2009 |
1994 |
Combined fuel economy | 20 mpg |
16 mpg |
VIN | 2D8HN54X59R |
1GNDM19Z0RB175418 |
Odometer reading | ------- |
232379 |
Vehicle category | Category 1 Truck |
Category 1 Truck |
Transaction date: Jul. 30, 2009
Disposal status: CRUSH / SHRED FACILITY
Disposal facility contact information: pick up city fairmont wv 26554
Sales type: PURCHASED
| New car | Old car |
Model | Dodge Caravan/Grand Caravan FWD |
Dodge Caravan/Grand Caravan 2WD |
Drive train and engine | 4L, 6 cyl, Automatic 6-spd, FWD, Regular |
3.8L, 6 cyl, Automatic 4-spd, FWD, Regular |
Price | $34,155 |
$3,500 |
Model year | 2009 |
1998 |
Combined fuel economy | 20 mpg |
18 mpg |
VIN | 2D8HN54X19R |
1B4GP54L5WB651419 |
Odometer reading | ------- |
87183 |
Vehicle category | Category 1 Truck |
Category 1 Truck |
Transaction date: Aug. 12, 2009
Disposal status: CRUSH / SHRED FACILITY
Disposal facility contact information: pickup city 131 middletown rd fairmont wv 26554
Sales type: PURCHASED
| New car | Old car |
Model | Dodge Caravan/Grand Caravan FWD |
Dodge Ram 1500 Pickup 4WD |
Drive train and engine | 3.3L, 6 cyl, Automatic 4-spd, FWD, GAS 380, Gasoline or E85 |
5.9L, 8 cyl, Automatic 4-spd, 4WD, Regular |
Price | $27,045 |
$4,500 |
Model year | 2009 |
2001 |
Combined fuel economy | 19 mpg |
13 mpg |
VIN | 2D8HN44E59R |
3B7HF13Y11G187321 |
Odometer reading | ------- |
118919 |
Vehicle category | Category 1 Truck |
Category 2 Truck |
Transaction date: Aug. 07, 2009
Disposal status: CRUSH / SHRED FACILITY
Disposal facility contact information: pickup city 131 middletown rd fairmont wv 26554
Sales type: PURCHASED