Mazda 3
Dealer address:
1560 Auto Park Way
Escondido, CA 92029
| New car | Old car |
Model | Mazda 3 |
Dodge Durango 4WD |
Drive train and engine | 2.5L, 4 cyl, Automatic (S5), FWD, Regular |
5.9L, 8 cyl, Automatic 4-spd, 4WD, Regular |
Price | $19,540 |
$4,500 |
Model year | 2010 |
2001 |
Combined fuel economy | 25 mpg |
13 mpg |
VIN | JM1BL1S60A1 |
1B4HS28Z11F521669 |
Odometer reading | ------- |
93853 |
Vehicle category | Passenger Car |
Category 1 Truck |
Transaction date: Aug. 17, 2009
Disposal status: CRUSH / SHRED FACILITY
Disposal facility contact information: JOE KELLEJIAN
Sales type: PURCHASED
| New car | Old car |
Model | Mazda 3 |
Jeep Cherokee/Wagoneer 4WD |
Drive train and engine | 2.5L, 4 cyl, Manual 6-spd, FWD, Regular |
4.0L, 6 cyl, Automatic 4-spd, 4WD, (FFS), Regular |
Price | $19,540 |
$3,500 |
Model year | 2010 |
1988 |
Combined fuel economy | 24 mpg |
16 mpg |
VIN | JM1BL1H65A1 |
1JCMT7896JT015993 |
Odometer reading | ------- |
214403 |
Vehicle category | Passenger Car |
Category 1 Truck |
Transaction date: Aug. 15, 2009
Disposal status: CRUSH / SHRED FACILITY
Disposal facility contact information: JOE KELLEJIAN
Sales type: PURCHASED
| New car | Old car |
Model | Mazda 3 |
Toyota 4Runner 4WD |
Drive train and engine | 2.5L, 4 cyl, Automatic (S5), FWD, Regular |
3.0L, 6 cyl, Automatic 4-spd, 4WD, (FFS), Regular |
Price | $19,540 |
$4,500 |
Model year | 2010 |
1992 |
Combined fuel economy | 25 mpg |
13 mpg |
VIN | JM1BL1S62A1 |
JT3VN39W7N8035468 |
Odometer reading | ------- |
254478 |
Vehicle category | Passenger Car |
Category 1 Truck |
Transaction date: Aug. 16, 2009
Disposal status: CRUSH / SHRED FACILITY
Disposal facility contact information: JOE KELLEJIAN
Sales type: PURCHASED
| New car | Old car |
Model | Mazda 3 |
Volvo 240 DL/240 GL Wagon |
Drive train and engine | 2L, 4 cyl, Automatic (S5), FWD, Regular |
2.3L, 4 cyl, Automatic 4-spd, RWD, (EGR) (FFS), Regular |
Price | $18,725 |
$3,500 |
Model year | 2010 |
1989 |
Combined fuel economy | 27 mpg |
18 mpg |
YV1AX8852K1824166 |
Odometer reading | ------- |
134301 |
Vehicle category | Passenger Car |
Passenger Car |
Transaction date: Aug. 15, 2009
Disposal status: CRUSH / SHRED FACILITY
Disposal facility contact information: JOE KELLEJIAN
Sales type: PURCHASED
| New car | Old car |
Model | Mazda 3 |
Chevrolet C1500 Pickup 2WD |
Drive train and engine | 2.5L, 4 cyl, Automatic (S5), FWD, Regular |
4.3L, 6 cyl, Automatic 4-spd, RWD, (FFS), Regular |
Price | $20,030 |
$3,500 |
Model year | 2010 |
1994 |
Combined fuel economy | 25 mpg |
17 mpg |
VIN | JM1BL1H67A1 |
2GCEC19Z7R1254195 |
Odometer reading | ------- |
140855 |
Vehicle category | Passenger Car |
Category 2 Truck |
Transaction date: Aug. 01, 2009
Disposal status: CRUSH / SHRED FACILITY
Disposal facility contact information: Joe Kellejian
Sales type: PURCHASED
| New car | Old car |
Model | Mazda 3 |
Jeep Cherokee 4WD |
Drive train and engine | 2.5L, 4 cyl, Automatic (S5), FWD, Regular |
4.0L, 6 cyl, Automatic 4-spd, 4WD, (FFS), Regular |
Price | $21,605 |
$4,500 |
Model year | 2010 |
1991 |
Combined fuel economy | 25 mpg |
15 mpg |
VIN | JM1BL1S64A1 |
1J4FJ58S3ML600293 |
Odometer reading | ------- |
218580 |
Vehicle category | Passenger Car |
Category 1 Truck |
Transaction date: Aug. 11, 2009
Disposal status: CRUSH / SHRED FACILITY
Disposal facility contact information: Joe Kellejian
Sales type: PURCHASED
| New car | Old car |
Model | Mazda 3 |
Ford Explorer 4WD |
Drive train and engine | 2.5L, 4 cyl, Automatic (S5), FWD, Regular |
4.0L, 6 cyl, Automatic 4-spd, 4WD, (FFS), Regular |
Price | $20,290 |
$4,500 |
Model year | 2010 |
1996 |
Combined fuel economy | 25 mpg |
15 mpg |
VIN | JM1BL1S62A1 |
1FMDU34X2TUB07669 |
Odometer reading | ------- |
44079 |
Vehicle category | Passenger Car |
Category 1 Truck |
Transaction date: Aug. 12, 2009
Disposal status: CRUSH / SHRED FACILITY
Disposal facility contact information: Joe Kellejian
Sales type: PURCHASED
| New car | Old car |
Model | Mazda 3 |
Ford Explorer 2WD |
Drive train and engine | 2.5L, 4 cyl, Manual 6-spd, FWD, Regular |
4.0L, 6 cyl, Automatic 4-spd, RWD, (FFS), Regular |
Price | $19,540 |
$3,500 |
Model year | 2010 |
1993 |
Combined fuel economy | 24 mpg |
17 mpg |
VIN | JM1BL1H68A1 |
1FMDU32X6PUD20455 |
Odometer reading | ------- |
133397 |
Vehicle category | Passenger Car |
Category 1 Truck |
Transaction date: Aug. 08, 2009
Disposal status: CRUSH / SHRED FACILITY
Disposal facility contact information: JOE KELLEJIAN
Sales type: PURCHASED
| New car | Old car |
Model | Mazda 3 |
Ford Explorer 4WD |
Drive train and engine | 2L, 4 cyl, Automatic (S5), FWD, Regular |
4.0L, 6 cyl, Automatic 4-spd, 4WD, (FFS), Regular |
Price | $18,400 |
$4,500 |
Model year | 2010 |
1996 |
Combined fuel economy | 27 mpg |
15 mpg |
1FMDU34X2TZA01967 |
Odometer reading | ------- |
116993 |
Vehicle category | Passenger Car |
Category 1 Truck |
Transaction date: Aug. 08, 2009
Disposal status: CRUSH / SHRED FACILITY
Disposal facility contact information: Joe Kellejian
Sales type: PURCHASED
| New car | Old car |
Model | Mazda 3 |
Nissan Pathfinder 2WD |
Drive train and engine | 2.5L, 4 cyl, Manual 6-spd, FWD, Regular |
3.0L, 6 cyl, Manual 5-spd, RWD, (FFS), Regular |
Price | $18,740 |
$3,500 |
Model year | 2010 |
1992 |
Combined fuel economy | 24 mpg |
15 mpg |
VIN | JM1BL1S62A1 |
JN8HD17S7NW030867 |
Odometer reading | ------- |
124056 |
Vehicle category | Passenger Car |
Category 1 Truck |
Transaction date: Aug. 05, 2009
Disposal status: CRUSH / SHRED FACILITY
Disposal facility contact information: Joe Kellejian
Sales type: PURCHASED