Cash for Clunkers transactions of PRESTIGE AUTOMOBILES, INC.

Toyota Camry, Toyota Corolla, Toyota RAV4 4WD

Dealer address:
phone: 3393313

New carOld car
ModelToyota Camry Jeep Grand Cherokee 4WD
Drive train and engine2.5L, 4 cyl, Automatic (S6), FWD, Regular 5.2L, 8 cyl, Automatic 4-spd, 4WD, (FFS), Regular
Price$26,396 $4,500
Model year2010 1996
Combined fuel economy26 mpg 14 mpg
VIN4T4BF3EK9AR 1J4GZ58Y9TC184251
Odometer reading------- 206258
Vehicle categoryPassenger Car Category 1 Truck
Transaction date: Jul. 08, 2009
Disposal status: CRUSH / SHRED FACILITY
Disposal facility contact information: B. MILLEN SONS, INC. 290 EAST STRAND, KINGSTON, NY 12402
Sales type: PURCHASED
New carOld car
ModelToyota Corolla GMC Sierra 1500 4WD
Drive train and engine1.8L, 4 cyl, Automatic 4-spd, FWD, Regular 4.3L, 6 cyl, Manual 5-spd, 4WD, (FFS), Regular
Price$17,467 $4,500
Model year2010 1989
Combined fuel economy29 mpg 16 mpg
VIN2T1BU4EE5AC 2GTDK14Z2K1546011
Odometer reading------- 134872
Vehicle categoryPassenger Car Category 1 Truck
Transaction date: Jul. 31, 2009
Disposal status: CRUSH / SHRED FACILITY
Disposal facility contact information: B. MILLEN SONS, INC. 290 EAST STRAND, KINGSTON, NY 12402
Sales type: PURCHASED
New carOld car
ModelToyota RAV4 4WD Ford F150 Pickup 2WD
Drive train and engine2.5L, 4 cyl, Automatic 4-spd, 4WD, Regular 4.6L, 8 cyl, Manual 5-spd, RWD, Regular
Price$25,578 $4,500
Model year2009 1998
Combined fuel economy24 mpg 15 mpg
Odometer reading------- 98479
Vehicle categoryCategory 1 Truck Category 1 Truck
Transaction date: Aug. 03, 2009
Disposal status: CRUSH / SHRED FACILITY
Disposal facility contact information: B. MILLEN SONS, INC. 290 EAST STRAND, KINGSTON, NY 12402
Sales type: PURCHASED