Toyota Tacoma 2WD, Toyota Tacoma 4WD, Toyota Tundra 2WD
Dealer address:
phone: 8254250
| New car | Old car |
Model | Toyota Tacoma 2WD |
Toyota Previa |
Drive train and engine | 2.7L, 4 cyl, Automatic 4-spd, RWD, Regular |
2.4L, 4 cyl, Automatic 4-spd, RWD, (FFS), Regular |
Price | $20,105 |
$3,500 |
Model year | 2009 |
1994 |
Combined fuel economy | 21 mpg |
18 mpg |
VIN | 5TETX22N49Z |
JT3AC11R2R1140853 |
Odometer reading | ------- |
211280 |
Vehicle category | Category 1 Truck |
Category 1 Truck |
Transaction date: Jul. 31, 2009
Disposal status: CRUSH / SHRED FACILITY
Disposal facility contact information: Pacific Auto Recyclers,1444 El Pinal Drive,Stockton,CA,95205
Sales type: PURCHASED
| New car | Old car |
Model | Toyota Tacoma 2WD |
Mazda MPV |
Drive train and engine | 2.7L, 4 cyl, Automatic 4-spd, RWD, Regular |
2.9L, 6 cyl, Automatic 4-spd, RWD, (FFS), Regular |
Price | $16,070 |
$3,500 |
Model year | 2009 |
1992 |
Combined fuel economy | 21 mpg |
17 mpg |
VIN | 5TENX22N49Z |
JM3LV5220N0401511 |
Odometer reading | ------- |
139245 |
Vehicle category | Category 1 Truck |
Category 1 Truck |
Transaction date: Aug. 02, 2009
Disposal status: CRUSH / SHRED FACILITY
Disposal facility contact information: Pacific Auto Recyclers,1444 El Pinal Drive,Stockton,CA,95205
Sales type: PURCHASED
| New car | Old car |
Model | Toyota Tacoma 2WD |
Ford Aerostar Van |
Drive train and engine | 2.7L, 4 cyl, Automatic 4-spd, RWD, Regular |
3.0L, 6 cyl, Automatic 4-spd, RWD, (FFS), Regular |
Price | $13,726 |
$3,500 |
Model year | 2009 |
1993 |
Combined fuel economy | 21 mpg |
18 mpg |
VIN | 5TENX22N79Z |
1FMCA11U5PZA47754 |
Odometer reading | ------- |
176888 |
Vehicle category | Category 1 Truck |
Category 1 Truck |
Transaction date: Aug. 03, 2009
Disposal status: CRUSH / SHRED FACILITY
Disposal facility contact information: PACIFIC AUTO RECYCLER, 1444 EL PINAL DRIVE, STOCKTON, CA, 95205
Sales type: PURCHASED
| New car | Old car |
Model | Toyota Tacoma 2WD |
Chevrolet Blazer 4WD |
Drive train and engine | 4L, 6 cyl, Automatic 5-spd, RWD, Regular |
4.3L, 6 cyl, Automatic 4-spd, 4WD, Regular |
Price | $24,000 |
$3,500 |
Model year | 2009 |
2000 |
Combined fuel economy | 18 mpg |
16 mpg |
VIN | 3TMKU72N59M |
1GNDT13W5XK116931 |
Odometer reading | ------- |
118937 |
Vehicle category | Category 1 Truck |
Category 1 Truck |
Transaction date: Jul. 28, 2009
Disposal status: CRUSH / SHRED FACILITY
Disposal facility contact information: PACIFIC AUTO RECYCLERS,1444 EL PINAL DIRVE,STOCKTON,CA,95205
Sales type: PURCHASED
| New car | Old car |
Model | Toyota Tacoma 2WD |
Ford F150 Pickup 2WD |
Drive train and engine | 2.7L, 4 cyl, Manual 5-spd, RWD, Regular |
4.2L, 6 cyl, Manual 5-spd, RWD, (FFS), Regular |
Price | $19,205 |
$4,500 |
Model year | 2009 |
1997 |
Combined fuel economy | 22 mpg |
17 mpg |
1FTDF1720VKD01148 |
Odometer reading | ------- |
143866 |
Vehicle category | Category 1 Truck |
Category 2 Truck |
Transaction date: Jul. 29, 2009
Disposal status: CRUSH / SHRED FACILITY
Disposal facility contact information: PACIFIC AUTO RECYCLERS, 1444 EL PINAL DRIVE, STOCKTON, CA, 95205
Sales type: PURCHASED
| New car | Old car |
Model | Toyota Tacoma 2WD |
Isuzu Trooper |
Drive train and engine | 2.7L, 4 cyl, Manual 5-spd, RWD, Regular |
3.2L, 6 cyl, Automatic 4-spd, 4WD, (DOHC) (FFS), Regular |
Price | $15,170 |
$4,500 |
Model year | 2010 |
1992 |
Combined fuel economy | 22 mpg |
15 mpg |
VIN | 5TENX22N39Z |
JACDH58V4N7900789 |
Odometer reading | ------- |
145709 |
Vehicle category | Category 1 Truck |
Category 1 Truck |
Transaction date: Aug. 06, 2009
Disposal status: CRUSH / SHRED FACILITY
Disposal facility contact information: PACIFIC AUTO RECYCLERS,1444 EL PINAL DRIVE,STOCKTON,CA,95205
Sales type: PURCHASED
| New car | Old car |
Model | Toyota Tacoma 2WD |
Dodge Dakota Pickup 2WD |
Drive train and engine | 4L, 6 cyl, Automatic 5-spd, RWD, Regular |
5.2L, 8 cyl, Automatic 4-spd, RWD, (FFS), Regular |
Price | $23,322 |
$3,500 |
Model year | 2009 |
1996 |
Combined fuel economy | 18 mpg |
14 mpg |
VIN | 5TETU62N99Z |
1B7GL23Y7TS526735 |
Odometer reading | ------- |
132319 |
Vehicle category | Category 1 Truck |
Category 1 Truck |
Transaction date: Aug. 09, 2009
Disposal status: CRUSH / SHRED FACILITY
Disposal facility contact information: PACIFIC AUTO RECYCLERS, 1444 EL PINAL DRIVE, STOCKTON, CA, 95205
Sales type: PURCHASED
| New car | Old car |
Model | Toyota Tacoma 2WD |
Ford E150 Club Wagon |
Drive train and engine | 2.7L, 4 cyl, Automatic 4-spd, RWD, Regular |
5.8L, 8 cyl, Automatic 4-spd, RWD, (FFS), Regular |
Price | $20,105 |
$4,500 |
Model year | 2009 |
1996 |
Combined fuel economy | 21 mpg |
13 mpg |
VIN | 5TETX22N09Z |
1FMEE11H5THA37015 |
Odometer reading | ------- |
138667 |
Vehicle category | Category 1 Truck |
Category 2 Truck |
Transaction date: Jul. 23, 2009
Disposal status: CRUSH / SHRED FACILITY
Disposal facility contact information: Pacific auto recyclers, 1444 El Pinal Dr,Stockton,Ca,95205
Sales type: PURCHASED
| New car | Old car |
Model | Toyota Tacoma 4WD |
Toyota Truck 4WD |
Drive train and engine | 4L, 6 cyl, Automatic 5-spd, 4WD, Regular |
3.0L, 6 cyl, Manual 5-spd, 4WD, (FFS), Regular |
Price | $22,300 |
$3,500 |
Model year | 2009 |
1991 |
Combined fuel economy | 18 mpg |
15 mpg |
VIN | 5TETU62N49Z |
JT4VN13D3M5055577 |
Odometer reading | ------- |
151514 |
Vehicle category | Category 1 Truck |
Category 1 Truck |
Transaction date: Aug. 09, 2009
Disposal status: CRUSH / SHRED FACILITY
Disposal facility contact information: Pacific Auto Recyclers,El Pinal Dr,Stockton,CA,95205
Sales type: PURCHASED
| New car | Old car |
Model | Toyota Tundra 2WD |
Ford F250 Pickup 2WD CNG |
Drive train and engine | 5.7L, 8 cyl, Automatic (S6), RWD, Regular |
5.4L, 8 cyl, Automatic 4-spd, RWD, NGV, CNG |
Price | $27,788 |
$3,500 |
Model year | 2010 |
1999 |
Combined fuel economy | 16 mpg |
mpg |
1FTNW20L1XEE23418 |
Odometer reading | ------- |
162106 |
Vehicle category | Category 2 Truck |
Category 3 Truck |
Transaction date: Aug. 12, 2009
Disposal status: CRUSH / SHRED FACILITY
Disposal facility contact information: PACIFIC AUTO RECYCLERS, 1444 EL PINAL DRIVE, STOCKTON, CA, 95205
Sales type: PURCHASED