Cash for Clunkers transactions of Larson Ford, Inc.

Suzuki Equator 2WD, Suzuki Grand Vitara 4WD, Suzuki SX4 AWD, Suzuki SX4 Sport

Dealer address:
phone: 363-8100

New carOld car
ModelSuzuki Equator 2WD Ford F150 Pickup 2WD
Drive train and engine2.5L, 4 cyl, Automatic 5-spd, RWD, Regular 4.9L, 6 cyl, Manual 5-spd, RWD, (FFS), Regular
Price$22,569 $4,500
Model year2009 1988
Combined fuel economy19 mpg 15 mpg
VIN5Z6BD06T79C 1FTEF14Y3JNA28874
Odometer reading------- 129461
Vehicle categoryCategory 2 Truck Category 2 Truck
Transaction date: Aug. 01, 2009
Disposal status: CRUSH / SHRED FACILITY
Disposal facility contact information: ROBERT DUCKWORTH
Sales type: PURCHASED
New carOld car
ModelSuzuki Grand Vitara 4WD Ford Explorer 4WD
Drive train and engine2.4L, 4 cyl, Automatic 4-spd, 4WD, Regular 4.0L, 6 cyl, Automatic 4-spd, 4WD, (FFS), Regular
Price$25,199 $4,500
Model year2009 1992
Combined fuel economy20 mpg 15 mpg
VINJS3TD047394 1FMDU34X0NUC24945
Odometer reading------- 0
Vehicle categoryCategory 1 Truck Category 1 Truck
Transaction date: Aug. 22, 2009
Disposal status: CRUSH / SHRED FACILITY
Disposal facility contact information: ROBERT DUCKWORTH
Sales type: PURCHASED
New carOld car
ModelSuzuki Grand Vitara 4WD Dodge Dakota Pickup 2WD
Drive train and engine2.4L, 4 cyl, Automatic 4-spd, 4WD, Regular 3.9L, 6 cyl, Automatic 4-spd, RWD, (FFS), Regular
Price$26,556 $3,500
Model year2009 1995
Combined fuel economy20 mpg 16 mpg
VINJS3TD047394 1B7GL23X4SS238600
Odometer reading------- 0
Vehicle categoryCategory 1 Truck Category 1 Truck
Transaction date: Aug. 22, 2009
Disposal status: CRUSH / SHRED FACILITY
Disposal facility contact information: ROBERT DUCKWORTH
Sales type: PURCHASED
New carOld car
ModelSuzuki SX4 AWD Ford E150 Econoline 2WD
Drive train and engine2L, 4 cyl, Automatic 4-spd, 4WD, Regular 5.0L, 8 cyl, Automatic 4-spd, RWD, (FFS), Regular
Price$18,839 $4,500
Model year2009 1995
Combined fuel economy24 mpg 14 mpg
VINJS2YB413495 1FTEF14N7SNA04665
Odometer reading------- 130419
Vehicle categoryPassenger Car Category 2 Truck
Transaction date: Jul. 30, 2009
Disposal status: CRUSH / SHRED FACILITY
Disposal facility contact information: ROBERT DUCKWORTH
Sales type: PURCHASED
New carOld car
ModelSuzuki SX4 AWD Dodge Durango 4WD
Drive train and engine2L, 4 cyl, Automatic 4-spd, 4WD, Regular 5.9L, 8 cyl, Automatic 4-spd, 4WD, Regular
Price$19,899 $4,500
Model year2009 1998
Combined fuel economy24 mpg 13 mpg
VINJS2YB417496 1B4H228YXWF148288
Odometer reading------- 211011
Vehicle categoryPassenger Car Category 1 Truck
Transaction date: Aug. 22, 2009
Disposal status: CRUSH / SHRED FACILITY
Disposal facility contact information: ROBERT DUCKWORTH
Sales type: PURCHASED
New carOld car
ModelSuzuki SX4 AWD Ford Explorer 4WD
Drive train and engine2L, 4 cyl, Manual 5-spd, 4WD, Regular 4.0L, 6 cyl, Manual 5-spd, 4WD, (FFS), Regular
Price$17,839 $3,500
Model year2009 1993
Combined fuel economy23 mpg 17 mpg
VINJS2YB417195 1FMDU34X8PUC09287
Odometer reading------- 113383
Vehicle categoryPassenger Car Category 1 Truck
Transaction date: Aug. 07, 2009
Disposal status: CRUSH / SHRED FACILITY
Disposal facility contact information: ROBERT DUCKWORTH
Sales type: PURCHASED
New carOld car
ModelSuzuki SX4 Sport Kia Sportage 2WD
Drive train and engine2L, 4 cyl, Automatic 4-spd, FWD, Regular 2L, 4 cyl, Automatic 4-spd, RWD, Regular
Price$19,984 $3,500
Model year2009 2000
Combined fuel economy25 mpg 18 mpg
VINJS2YC417896 KNDJB7230Y5688790
Odometer reading------- 67521
Vehicle categoryPassenger Car Category 1 Truck
Transaction date: Aug. 07, 2009
Disposal status: CRUSH / SHRED FACILITY
Disposal facility contact information: ROBERT DUCKWORTH
Sales type: PURCHASED
New carOld car
ModelSuzuki SX4 Sport Ford Windstar FWD Van
Drive train and engine2L, 4 cyl, Automatic 4-spd, FWD, Regular 3.8L, 6 cyl, Automatic 4-spd, FWD, Regular
Price$17,949 $3,500
Model year2009 2001
Combined fuel economy25 mpg 18 mpg
VINJS2YA413X96 2FMDA53451BB36419
Odometer reading------- 148559
Vehicle categoryPassenger Car Category 1 Truck
Transaction date: Aug. 10, 2009
Disposal status: CRUSH / SHRED FACILITY
Disposal facility contact information: ROBERT DUCKWORTH
Sales type: PURCHASED