Cash for Clunkers transactions of Farrell Motors, Inc.

Volvo XC 70 AWD

Dealer address:
251 Turnpike Road
Southborough, MA 1772
phone: 5712400

New carOld car
ModelVolvo XC 70 AWD Jeep Cherokee 4WD
Drive train and engine3.2L, 6 cyl, Automatic (S6), 4WD, Regular 4L, 6 cyl, Auto(L4), 4WD, Regular
Price$37,250 $3,500
Model year2009 1997
Combined fuel economy18 mpg 15 mpg
VINYV4BZ982091 1J4GZ58S0VC560706
Odometer reading------- 186384
Vehicle categoryCategory 1 Truck Category 1 Truck
Transaction date: Oct. 10, 2009
Disposal status: CRUSH / SHRED FACILITY
Disposal facility contact information: JEAN RABELO 508-485-1538
Sales type: PURCHASED