Baseball stats

Ron (Ronald Gene) Davis

Birthday: August 06, 1955 Houston (Texas) USA

Weight: 207 lb.
Height: 6' 4''
Debut: July 29, 1978
Final game: September 24, 1988
Bats: right
Throws: right

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Ron Davis's salaries
Year Team League Salary
1986 Minnesota Twins AL $725000
1985 Minnesota Twins AL $650000
Matches stats
Year Team Played
Batting Defense Pitching Catching 1B 2B 3B Shortstop Left
1988San Francisco Giants 9 9 9 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1987Chicago Cubs 21 21 21 21 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1987Los Angeles Dodgers 4 4 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1986Chicago Cubs 17 17 17 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1986Minnesota Twins 36 1 36 36 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1985Minnesota Twins 57 0 57 57 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1984Minnesota Twins 64 0 64 64 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1983Minnesota Twins 66 0 66 66 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1982Minnesota Twins 63 0 63 63 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1981New York Yankees 43 0 43 43 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1980New York Yankees 53 2 53 53 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1979New York Yankees 44 1 44 44 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1978New York Yankees 4 0 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Shortcuts descriptions

Ron Davis's batting stats
Year League Team Games Games
1988NLSan Francisco Giants9920
1987NLLos Angeles Dodgers4400
1987NLChicago Cubs212100
1986NLChicago Cubs171722
1986ALMinnesota Twins36100
1985ALMinnesota Twins570
1984ALMinnesota Twins640
1983ALMinnesota Twins660
1982ALMinnesota Twins630
1981ALNew York Yankees430
1980ALNew York Yankees53211
1979ALNew York Yankees44111
1978ALNew York Yankees40

Shortcuts descriptions

Ron Davis's pitching stats
1988NLSan Francisco Giants91105215946150.2304.67001072410
1987NLLos Angeles Dodgers400012730610.4106.7522102524
1987NLChicago Cubs21000974321812310.3205.851102144623
1986NLChicago Cubs1702060311733100.3507.65000191518
1986ALMinnesota Twins362621165539729300.3409.0884401982842
1985ALMinnesota Twins5726251945525735720.2303.4868412855028
1984ALMinnesota Twins647112924979421141740.2504.5598203645644
1983ALMinnesota Twins6658302678933633840.2603.3434313826134
1982ALMinnesota Twins633922318106521647890.2604.42125114595353
1981ALNew York Yankees434562194722625830.1802.7131012852222
1980ALNew York Yankees5393739312143932650.2402.9535515442950
1979ALNew York Yankees4414292568427528430.2602.8591103572129
1978ALNew York Yankees40007330300.33011.5700001224

Shortcuts descriptions

Ron Davis's fielding stats
Year League Team Pos G GSIOPOAEDP
1988NLSan Francisco GiantsP90521410
1987NLLos Angeles DodgersP40120201
1987NLChicago CubsP210971101
1986NLChicago CubsP170601110
1986ALMinnesota TwinsP3601165501
1985ALMinnesota TwinsP5701943501
1984ALMinnesota TwinsP6402494800
1983ALMinnesota TwinsP6602670410
1982ALMinnesota TwinsP63031861001
1981ALNew York YankeesP4302194500
1980ALNew York YankeesP53039342310
1979ALNew York YankeesP44025651502
1978ALNew York YankeesP4071000

Ron Davis's stats in 1988

Ron Davis's stats in years 1986-1988


Stats shortcuts
ABAt BatsBatting
BAOppOpponent's Batting AveragePitching
BFPBatters faced by PitcherPitching
DPDouble PlaysFielding
EREarned RunsPitching
ERAEarned Run AveragePitching
GGamesBatting, Fielding , Pitching
GFGames FinishedPitching
GSGames StartedFielding, Pitching
HHitsBatting, Pitching
HBPHit by pitchBatting, Pitching
HRHomerunsBatting, Pitching
IBBIntentional walksBatting, Pitching
IPOutsOuts Pitched (innings pitched x 3)Pitching
RRuns AllowedPitching
SOStrikeoutsBatting, Pitching
WHIPWalks and Hits per Inning PitchedPitching
WPWild PitchesFielding, Pitching

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