Baseball stats

Jimy (James Francis) Williams

Birthday: October 04, 1943 Santa Maria (California) USA

Show stats of Williams Jimy as a player

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Colected awards
Year Award League
1999Mgr of the year AL
Managed teams
Year Team League Matches Wins Lose
2004Houston Astros NL 88 44 44
2003Houston Astros NL 162 87 75
2002Houston Astros NL 162 84 78
2001Boston Red Sox AL 118 65 53
2000Boston Red Sox AL 162 85 77
1999Boston Red Sox AL 162 94 68
1998Boston Red Sox AL 162 92 70
1997Boston Red Sox AL 162 78 84
1989Toronto Blue Jays AL 36 12 24
1988Toronto Blue Jays AL 162 87 75
1987Toronto Blue Jays AL 162 96 66
1986Toronto Blue Jays AL 163 86 76