Baseball stats

Bill (William Harold) Terry

nickname: Memphis Bill

Birthday: October 30, 1898 Atlanta (Georgia) USA

Day of death: January 09, 1989 Jacksonville (Florida) USA

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Managed teams
Year Team League Matches Wins Lose
1941New York Giants NL 156 74 79
1940New York Giants NL 152 72 80
1939New York Giants NL 151 77 74
1938New York Giants NL 152 83 67
1937New York Giants NL 152 95 57
1936New York Giants NL 154 92 62
1935New York Giants NL 156 91 62
1934New York Giants NL 153 93 60
1933New York Giants NL 156 91 61
1932New York Giants NL 114 55 59