Baseball stats

Lee (Leo Alexander) Fohl

Birthday: November 28, 1876 Lowell (Ohio) USA

Day of death: October 30, 1965 Cleveland (Ohio) USA

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Managed teams
Year Team League Matches Wins Lose
1926Boston Red Sox AL 154 46 107
1925Boston Red Sox AL 152 47 105
1924Boston Red Sox AL 157 67 87
1923St. Louis Browns AL 103 52 49
1922St. Louis Browns AL 154 93 61
1921St. Louis Browns AL 154 81 73
1919Cleveland Indians AL 78 44 34
1918Cleveland Indians AL 129 73 54
1917Cleveland Indians AL 156 88 66
1916Cleveland Indians AL 157 77 77
1915Cleveland Indians AL 127 45 79