Baseball stats

Billy (William Harrison) Barnie

nickname: Baid Billy

Birthday: January 26, 1853 New York (New York) USA

Day of death: July 15, 1900 Hartford (Connecticut) USA

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Managed teams
Year Team League Matches Wins Lose
1898Brooklyn Bridegrooms NL 35 15 20
1897Brooklyn Bridegrooms NL 136 61 71
1894Louisville Colonels NL 131 36 94
1893Louisville Colonels NL 126 50 75
1892Washington Senators NL 2 0 2
1891Baltimore Orioles AA 139 71 64
1890Baltimore Orioles AA 38 15 19
1889Baltimore Orioles AA 139 70 65
1888Baltimore Orioles AA 139 57 80
1887Baltimore Orioles AA 141 77 58
1886Baltimore Orioles AA 139 48 83
1885Baltimore Orioles AA 110 41 68
1884Baltimore Orioles AA 109 63 43
1883Baltimore Orioles AA 96 28 68