United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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Tariff Numbers
9903.73.02 - 9903.74.61
> 9903.73.93
Previous Tariff (9903.73.88 - Certain iron/steel tube/pipe fitting in specified subheadings (relief exempt) under US note 11(c) this subchapter as described in 9903.77.50)
Next Tariff (9903.73.94 - Certain iron/steel tube/pipe fittings in specified subheadings, if entered during the period from March 20, 2003, through March 19, 2004)
HTS Number:
Certain iron/steel tube/pipe fittings in specified subheadings, if entered during the period from March 20, 2002, through March 19, 2003
MFN Duty Rate:
The rate provided in ch. 73 + 13%
Previous Tariff (9903.73.88 - Certain iron/steel tube/pipe fitting in specified subheadings (relief exempt) under US note 11(c) this subchapter as described in 9903.77.50)
Next Tariff (9903.73.94 - Certain iron/steel tube/pipe fittings in specified subheadings, if entered during the period from March 20, 2003, through March 19, 2004)
Related Rulings:
2002 NY I81700 - The tariff classification of steel butt weld fittings from Romania.
2002 NY I82902 - The tariff classification of steel flanges from Romania.
2002 NY I84020 - The tariff classification of steel pipe fittings from Taiwan.
2002 NY I84109 - The tariff classification of steel pipe nipples from China or Taiwan.
2002 NY I84458 - The tariff classification of various steel fittings from Germany.
2002 NY I85912 - The tariff classification of pipe fittings and gaskets from Germany.
2002 NY I86475 - The tariff classification of steel pipe flanges from Japan.
2002 NY I86681 - The tariff classification of steel and rubber pipes, fittings, hoses and gaskets from Italy.
2003 NY I88474 - The tariff classification of steel pipe fittings from Finland, Germany and Italy.
2004 HQ 966480 - Internal Advice request; components of spar platform
2004 HQ 966525 - Protest No. 3901-02-101793; Steel Pipe Fittings; Insulated Steel Pipe Fittings; 19 U.S.C. 1625(c)(1); Delayed effective date
2004 HQ 966526 - Protest Nos. 3901-03-100132 and 3901-03-100382; Steel Pipe Fittings; Insulated Steel Pipe Fittings
2004 HQ 966795 - Internal Advice 03/020; PTFE-lined steel pipe and fittings