United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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Tariff Numbers
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Tariff Numbers
9801.00.26 - 9813.00.50
> 9804.00.05
Previous Tariff (9803.00.50 - Substantial containers and holders, either U.S. or foreign prev. imported and dutied; specified instruments of international traffic, etc)
Next Tariff (9804.00.10 - For person arriving in the U.S.: professional books, implements, instruments & tools of trade/occupation/employ., previously taken abroad)
HTS Number:
books, libraries, usual furniture & household effects, used 1 year+, and n/for other person, or for sale
MFN Duty Rate:
Previous Tariff (9803.00.50 - Substantial containers and holders, either U.S. or foreign prev. imported and dutied; specified instruments of international traffic, etc)
Next Tariff (9804.00.10 - For person arriving in the U.S.: professional books, implements, instruments & tools of trade/occupation/employ., previously taken abroad)
Related Rulings:
1992 NY 0872605 - The tariff classification of household goods from Germany.
1993 HQ 0545137 - Household articles; subheading 9804.00.05; appraisement; 19 U.S.C. 1401a(f)
1995 HQ 225684 - Internal Advice; Household Effects; Use Abroad for One Year; Subheading 9804.00.05, HTSUS; 19 CFR 148.52(a)
1997 HQ 545137 - Household articles; subheading 9804.00.05; appraisement; 19 U.S.C. 1401a(f)
2001 NY H84237 - The tariff classification of furniture from Italy.