United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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Tariff Numbers
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Tariff Numbers
9603.29.40 - 9801.00.25
> 9705.00.00
Previous Tariff (9704.00.00 - Postage or revenue stamps, stamp-postmarks, first-day covers, postal stationery, and the like, used or unused, other than heading 4907)
Next Tariff (9706.00.00 - Antiques of an age exceeding one hundred years)
HTS Number:
Collections and collectors' pieces of zoological, botanical, mineralogical, anatomical, historical, archaeological etc. interest
MFN Duty Rate:
Previous Tariff (9704.00.00 - Postage or revenue stamps, stamp-postmarks, first-day covers, postal stationery, and the like, used or unused, other than heading 4907)
Next Tariff (9706.00.00 - Antiques of an age exceeding one hundred years)
Related Rulings:
1990 HQ 0083869 - Classification of a butterfly collection from Peru.
1990 HQ 0085032 - Classification of a butterfly collection
1990 HQ 0085851 - Lead Toy Soldiers
1990 HQ 0085903 - Singold gold bullion
1990 HQ 0086175 - Ivory carvings
1990 HQ 0087730 - Telephone booths (kiosks)
1991 HQ 0089226 - Watch, "Calibre 89"
1992 HQ 0951341 - Natural Bone Human Skeletons
1993 HQ 0088031 - Decision on Application for Further Review of Protest No. 1001-9-004067, filed July 27, 1989, concerning the classification of a collection of jewelry that once belonged to the Duke and Duchess of Windsor
1993 HQ 0951290 - Protest No. 3307-92-100005; commemorative medals; 9705.00.00; HQ 087912
1993 HQ 0951341 - Natural Bone Human Skeletons
1993 NY 885555 - The tariff classification of anthropods from Malaysia.
1993 NY 889136 - The tariff classification of a floral display box from New Zealand.
1994 NY 891225 - The tariff classification of an Amber and Fossil specimen from the Dominican Republic.
1994 NY 891259 - The tariff classification of a wooden framed butterflies collection from Thailand.
1994 NY 893003 - The tariff classification of quillwork from Canada.
1994 NY 894344 - The tariff classification of the Leaf and Bough Collection from Canada.
1994 NY 896341 - The tariff classification of a butterfly collection from Thailand.
1995 HQ 087912 - Classification of pieces of the Berlin Wall
1995 HQ 956683 - Decision on Application for Further Review of Protest No. 4501-94-100012, filed January 25, 1994, concerning the classification of various German collectibles.
1995 NY 803551 - The tariff classification of a butterflies and roses collection from Canada.
1996 HQ 957664 - Double Difference; Mounted Animals and Animal Heads CLA-2-97:SN:N8:233-LM5
1996 NY 815818 - The tariff classification of an automobile from Switzerland.
1997 HQ 960518 - Household Goods of the Duke and Duchess of Windsor
1998 NY C85837 - The tariff classification of human bones of unknown origin.
1998 NY D83041 - The tariff classification of "Fossils: A Key to the Past" from Italy.
1999 NY D87557 - The tariff classification of The KidsÂ’ Collection from Taiwan
1999 NY D88270 - The tariff classification of mounted animal heads from the Republic of South Africa.
1999 NY E85237 - The tariff classification of key chains and preserved insect collections from Thailand and the Philippines.
1999 NY E88516 - The tariff classification of ammonite/ammonlite shells from Canada.
2000 HQ 960986 - Internal Advice 2/98; Protest 0712-98-100125; Hard Rock Cafe; Collectors Articles
2000 HQ 962234 - Protest 1001-98-102162; 1936 Bugatti 57G Tank/Race Car.
2000 NY F86134 - The tariff classification of amber from the Dominican Republic.
2000 NY G81800 - The tariff classification of copper portraits, animal hides, stuffed animals and stuffed animal heads from Namibia, Zambia and South Africa.
2002 NY H88108 - The tariff classification of an Imperial Presentation Box from England.
2002 NY I87402 - The tariff classification of Djenne terracotta sculptures from Mali.
2003 HQ 966030 - Classification of a stone Ushabti.
2003 NY J81103 - The tariff classification of the Edu Science Die Cast Microscope Lab, Deluxe Microscope Set, Die Cast Microscope/Telescope Set, Starter Microscope Set, and Two Way Microscope Set made in China
2003 NY J83540 - The tariff classification of model ships from England.
2003 NY J86588 - The tariff classification of a mountaineering axe in a display case from New Zealand.
2003 NY J88306 - The tariff classification of mounted dead insects from Thailand.
2003 NY J89338 - The tariff classification of tile reproductions from Italy.
2003 NY K80435 - The tariff classification of a Dogon Mask from Mali.
2003 NY K81502 - The tariff classification of a Djenne terracotta mask from Republic of Mali.
2003 NY K81586 - The tariff classification of a Teotihuacan stone mask from Mexico.
2004 NY K86048 - The tariff classification of a sculpture from Cambodia.
2004 NY R00295 - The tariff classification of dead dried entomological specimens from Canada.
2005 HQ 967296 - Prepared Slides; NY J81103, modified
2005 NY L83265 - The tariff classification of Collectors’ Historical Automobiles from Italy.
2005 NY L83925 - The tariff classification of skeletons from China.
2005 NY L88349 - The tariff classification of a sculpture from Cambodia.
2006 NY M80651 - The tariff classification of a Dogon figure from Mali.
2006 NY M82523 - The tariff classification of a Dogon figure from Mali.
2006 NY R03338 - The tariff classification of Breast Invasive Ductal Carcinoma Sections from the United Kingdom.
2007 HQ W968392 - Reconsideration of HQ 966030; Affirmed
2007 NY N004112 - The tariff classification of natural mineral stones from Morocco.
2007 NY N004185 - The tariff classification of natural fossils from Morocco.
2007 NY N004200 - The tariff classification of natural mineral stones from Morocco.
2007 NY N013018 - The tariff classification of ethnographic art from Canada.
2007 NY N013758 - The tariff classification of a Dogon figure from Mali.
2007 NY N015557 - The tariff classification of natural mineral stones from Canada.
2007 NY N015627 - The tariff classification of a Dogon figure from Mali.
2007 NY N020419 - The tariff classification of driftwood sculptures from the United Kingdom.
2008 NY N022556 - The tariff classification of an automobile from Italy.