United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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Tariff Numbers
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Tariff Numbers
9603.29.40 - 9801.00.25
> 9617.00.10
Previous Tariff (9616.20.00 - Powder puffs and pads for the application of cosmetics or toilet preparations)
Next Tariff (9617.00.30 - Vacuum flasks and vessels, complete with cases, w/capacity o/1 liter but n/o 2 liters)
HTS Number:
Vacuum flasks and vessels, complete with cases, w/capacity n/o 1 liter
MFN Duty Rate:
Previous Tariff (9616.20.00 - Powder puffs and pads for the application of cosmetics or toilet preparations)
Next Tariff (9617.00.30 - Vacuum flasks and vessels, complete with cases, w/capacity o/1 liter but n/o 2 liters)
Related Rulings:
1993 NY 881575 - The tariff classification of laboratory items from England.
1995 NY 807863 - The tariff classification of a thermal bottle from China.
1997 NY A86506 - The tariff classification of two thermal carafes from China
1998 NY B89741 - The tariff classification of a thermal carafe with four stoneware mugs from China
1998 NY C84415 - The tariff classification of a vacuum jug from China
1998 NY D80415 - The tariff classification of a thermal bottle from China
2000 HQ 962648 - Protest 3001-98-100282; Vacuum Sealed Stainless Steel Drinkware
2002 HQ 964889 - Reconsideration of NY D84883; Thermal gravy server
2002 HQ 965773 - Protest 1901-02-100065; Thermal coffee carafe
2002 NY I82229 - The tariff classification of two vacuum vessels and one drinking glass from China
2002 NY I83481 - The tariff classification of beverage containers from China.
2002 NY I85793 - The tariff classification of desk organizer assortments from China.