United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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Tariff Numbers
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Tariff Numbers
9503.49.00 - 9603.21.00
> 9506.99.20
Previous Tariff (9506.99.15 - Baseball articles and equipment (o/than baseballs) and parts & accessories thereof)
Next Tariff (9506.99.25 - Ice-hockey and field-hockey articles and equipment (o/than balls and skates), and parts & accessories thereof)
HTS Number:
Football, soccer and polo articles and equipment (o/than balls), and parts & accessories thereof
MFN Duty Rate:
Previous Tariff (9506.99.15 - Baseball articles and equipment (o/than baseballs) and parts & accessories thereof)
Next Tariff (9506.99.25 - Ice-hockey and field-hockey articles and equipment (o/than balls and skates), and parts & accessories thereof)
Related Rulings:
1991 NY 0862972 - The tariff classification of neoprene and nylon supports from Korea.
1993 HQ 0952267 - Poligras; artificial turf; sports equipment; carpets and other textile floor coverings; Note 1, Chapter 57.
1994 NY 881492 - The tariff classification of a "Kick Rite" soccer training device from China.
1994 NY 891669 - The tariff classification of a net for a junior edition of a soccer game, part number 681670000, from Taiwan.
1994 NY 892529 - The tariff classification of soccer equipment from Hong Kong.
1995 HQ 958190 - Supersession of Pre-Entry Classification Determination (PC) 804557 as it Pertains to Certain Protective Sports Equipment, Orthopedic Appliances, and Joint Supports (Item Nos. 101, 304, 308, 327, 328, 329, 350, 355, 356, and 411)
1997 NY 855390 - The tariff classification of a "Foot Ball Safety Target", model number MF-B4, from Taiwan.
1997 NY 881492 - The tariff classification of a "Kick Rite" soccer training device from China.
1997 NY 891669 - The tariff classification of a net for a junior edition of a soccer game, part number 681670000, from Taiwan.
1997 NY 892529 - The tariff classification of soccer equipment from Hong Kong.
1997 NY A89561 - The tariff classification of ankle braces from Taiwan
1997 NY A8956L - The tariff classification of ankle braces from Taiwan
1997 NY B82604 - The tariff classification of soccer shinguards from Taiwan and China.
1997 NY B87173 - The tariff classification of shoulder pads from China.
1997 NY B87494 - The tariff classification of soccer shinguards from Taiwan or China.
1998 NY 855390 - The tariff classification of a "Foot Ball Safety Target", model number MF-B4, from Taiwan.
1998 NY 881492 - The tariff classification of a "Kick Rite" soccer training device from China.
1998 NY 891669 - The tariff classification of a net for a junior edition of a soccer game, part number 681670000, from Taiwan.
1998 NY C81846 - The tariff classification of soccer practice nets from China.
1998 NY C81896 - The tariff classification of a soccer training ball from Pakistan.
1998 NY C82761 - The tariff classification of a strap for football shoulder pads from China.
1998 NY C83943 - The tariff classification of soccer trainers from China.
1999 NY E82172 - The tariff classification of a plastic football kicking tee from China.
2000 HQ 963788 - Reconsideration of New York Ruling Letter (“NY”) F82953; Stabilizer beam
2001 NY H82859 - The tariff classification of a soccer ankle/shin guard from Taiwan.
2001 NY H84404 - The tariff classification of soccer equipment: elbow pads and knee pads from China.
2002 HQ 965234 - Modification of NY 862972, May 31, 1991; Classification of hinged knee support
2002 NY I83812 - The tariff classification of rugby training machines from England.
2002 NY I88478 - The tariff classification of a Soccer Goal Set from China.
2004 NY K84592 - The tariff classification of soccer equipment from Taiwan
2004 NY K84969 - The tariff classification of soccer equipment from Taiwan
2005 HQ 967738 - Classification of Soccer Shinguards; NY H87957 revoked
2005 HQ 967740 - Classification of Soccer Shinguards
2005 NY L87844 - The tariff classification of a 5-pad girdle apparel from China.
2005 NY L88586 - The tariff classification of a flag football belt from China.
2006 HQ 968013 - Classification of football pants and football pads
2006 NY M80018 - The tariff classification of sport protective apparel from China.
2006 NY M80510 - The tariff classification of football pants and a protective garment from China.
2006 NY M80935 - The tariff classification of a football girdle from Pakistan.
2006 NY M86827 - The tariff classification of a football protective garment from Pakistan.
2007 NY N007196 - The tariff classification of a football girdle from China.
2007 NY N019667 - The tariff classification of soccer shin guards from China
2007 NY N020360 - The tariff classification of shin guard socks from Mexico or China
2008 NY N022566 - The tariff classification, country of origin determination and origin marking of shin guard socks from China