United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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Tariff Numbers
9202.10.00 - 9401.10.80
> 9209.91.80
Previous Tariff (9209.91.40 - Tuning pins for pianos)
Next Tariff (9209.92.20 - Mutes, collapsible musical instru. stands, & music holders for attachment to instru., all the foregoing, for stringed music. instru. of 9202)
HTS Number:
Parts & access. for pianos (o/than tuning pins and strings) nesoi
MFN Duty Rate:
Previous Tariff (9209.91.40 - Tuning pins for pianos)
Next Tariff (9209.92.20 - Mutes, collapsible musical instru. stands, & music holders for attachment to instru., all the foregoing, for stringed music. instru. of 9202)
Related Rulings:
1997 NY A81975 - The tariff classification of various felt damper, hammer, and under hammer sheets, as well as numerous cut to size parts and accessories for use in pianos, from France.
1998 NY D82520 - The tariff classification of piano parts from India.
1998 NY NY122 - The tariff classification of various felt damper, hammer, and under hammer sheets, as well as numerous cut to size parts and accessories for use in pianos, from France.
2003 NY R00027 - The tariff classification of felt piano parts from Japan.
2003 NY R00029 - The tariff classification of felt piano parts from Japan.
2004 HQ 966913 - Request for reconsideration of NY K81478, regarding classification of a textile felt washer for piano pedal rod assembly
2004 NY K81478 - The tariff classification of paper washers, felt washers and felt discs from Japan
2004 NY K89811 - The tariff classification of rubber buttons for pianos from Japan
2006 NY R03133 - The tariff classification of wooden piano bushings from Japan