United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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Tariff Numbers
9015.40.80 - 9025.80.40
> 9025.80.15
Previous Tariff (9025.80.10 - Electrical: hydrometers & sim. floating instr., hygrometers, psychometers, & any comb. with or w/o thermometers, pyrometers, & barometers)
Next Tariff (9025.80.20 - Hydrometers and similar floating instruments, whether or not incorporating a thermometer, non-recording, other than electrical)
HTS Number:
Nonelectrical barometers, not combined with other instruments
MFN Duty Rate:
Previous Tariff (9025.80.10 - Electrical: hydrometers & sim. floating instr., hygrometers, psychometers, & any comb. with or w/o thermometers, pyrometers, & barometers)
Next Tariff (9025.80.20 - Hydrometers and similar floating instruments, whether or not incorporating a thermometer, non-recording, other than electrical)
Related Rulings:
2003 NY J85272 - The tariff classification of a XGW Amazing Waterball Barometer from China