United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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Tariff Numbers
9015.40.80 - 9025.80.40
> 9023.00.00
Previous Tariff (9022.90.95 - Parts and accessories of apparatus based on the use of alpha, beta or gamma radiations)
Next Tariff (9024.10.00 - Machines and appliances for testing the mechanical properties of metals)
HTS Number:
Instruments, apparatus and models, designed for demonstrational purposes, unsuitable for other uses, and parts and accessories thereof
MFN Duty Rate:
Previous Tariff (9022.90.95 - Parts and accessories of apparatus based on the use of alpha, beta or gamma radiations)
Next Tariff (9024.10.00 - Machines and appliances for testing the mechanical properties of metals)
Related Rulings:
1990 HQ 0086764 - Military airplane, demonstrational model
1991 NY 0859409 - The tariff classification of "Lectron" educational electrical/electronic sets from Germany.
1991 NY 0864909 - The tariff classification of "Zoo Animal Teaching Aids" from Korea
1992 NY 0867576 - The tariff classification of a Smoking Anatomy Model (SAM) from Hong Kong
1992 NY 0867902 - The tariff classification of the "Body Uniform" from Hong Kong
1993 HQ 0088879 - Application for Further Review of Protest No. 3801-0- 003480, dated November 14, 1990, concerning plastic models; demonstrational models; plastic mirrors; other articles of plastics; HRL 088309
1993 NY 881086 - The tariff classification of a vision simulator kit from Canada
1994 HQ 0555791 - Applicability for duty-free treatment under subheadings 9023.00.00, and 9810.00.55, HTSUSA, of molecular models imported for demonstrations in teaching and research by colleges and universities
1994 HQ 0952786 - Application for Further Review of Protest No. 1001-92-102595 dated May 27, 1992, concerning "Molymod (TM)" articles of plastics; NYRL 859409 affirmed
1994 NY 889063 - The tariff classification of miniature tent display models from Korea
1995 HQ 954595 - Computing Kits; Explanatory Note 90.23
1995 HQ 957097 - Reconsideration of New York Ruling Letter (NYRL) 899263; Hand-Built, Reduced-Size, Model Cars
1995 NY 801380 - The tariff classification of a teaching model to make dentures from France
1996 NY 801380 - The tariff classification of a teaching model to make dentures from France
1996 NY 816819 - The tariff classification of a PC MOBILE computer from Canada.
1996 NY A86441 - The tariff classification of printed plastic "dosage cards" from Taiwan.
1997 HQ 952786 - Application for Further Review of Protest No. 1001-92-102595 dated May 27, 1992, concerning "Molymod (TM)" articles of plastics; NYRL 859409 affirmed
1997 NY 889063 - The tariff classification of miniature tent display models from Korea
1997 NY A89168 - The tariff classification of a "Manikin" beauty school training dummy
1997 NY B87761 - The tariff classification of a ball and ring, heat conductometer, and burrette clamps from China
1998 NY 889063 - The tariff classification of miniature tent display models from Korea
1998 NY C82361 - The tariff classification of a Dental Training Simulation Unit from Germany
1998 NY C85029 - The tariff classification of a Rocket Demonstration Kit from Canada.
1999 NY D89227 - The tariff classification of a Training System from the United Kingdom Dear Mr. Cagliano:
1999 NY D89885 - The tariff classification and marking of distorting eyeglasses with a nylon case from Taiwan
2000 HQ 962960 - Protest 0901-98-100264; Koala Counters; Toys Representing Animals or Non-Human Creatures
2000 NY F82517 - The tariff classification of simulation equipment from Norway
2000 NY F83529 - The tariff classification of teaching aids from China.
2000 NY F83541 - The tariff classification of a student kit from China
2000 NY F88006 - The tariff classification of color paddles from China
2000 NY G82280 - The tariff classification of gram centimeter cubes, blank number cubes and algebra tiles from China.
2002 NY H88348 - The tariff classification of a Fire Training Trailer from Canada
2002 NY H88767 - The tariff classification of non-working display cell phones from Taiwan.
2005 HQ 967296 - Prepared Slides; NY J81103, modified
2005 NY L84855 - The tariff classification of an Educational Model Training Kit from Hong Kong
2005 NY R01334 - The tariff classification of Harmony Director Model HD-100 from Japan
2006 NY M82299 - The tariff classification of Live Fire Training Trailer from Canada
2006 NY R04147 - The tariff classification of Sectioned Parts from Indonesia
2007 NY N004896 - The tariff classification of an AED Trainer Kit from China
2007 NY N017063 - The tariff classification of a Van De Graaf Generator from China
2007 NY N020892 - The tariff classification of explosive simulants from Israel
2008 HQ W968459 - Application for Further Review of Protest No. 4701-06-100534; Sea Clock Replica
2008 NY N023612 - The tariff classification of a “Lampyridae (Firefly) Simulation Apparatus” from China